General Question

ninjacolin's avatar

Are you a thief? A "klepto"?! .. If so, what are the chances that you've had something stolen from you in the past?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) July 15th, 2012

I’m curious what percentage of thieves have had something “stolen” from them in the past before their binge thievery habits were solidified.

Even if you’ve only stolen one thing in your teen-adult life.. do you remember being a victim of theft earlier than your own thieving experience?

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10 Answers

The_Idler's avatar

The Establishment has stolen the coal from beneath our feet, they snatch the rain from above our heads, they’ve sold themselves our gas, electricity and infrastructure… and now they sell it back to us. Our rights as workers and entitlements as citizens have been taken, along with the only powers we had to effect change in society, now structured by and for the quasi-hereditary financial-political elite, and their agents.

All this happened before I was born, so I have never questioned the morality of treating the Establishment as a stockhouse, climbing-frame and punching-bag.

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JLeslie's avatar

I’m not a theif at all. One time as a teen I stole a lipgoss, my friends had stolen some things, but I was alone when I did it, and when I did it I thought how totally stupid. I don’t understand at all people who enjoy the feelings they get when they steal. I am just not wired that way, I don’t desire to take other people’s property in any shape or form.

I can’t think of any time when I had something stolen when I was young. In my early 20’s my house was robbed, and one time in my early 30’s it was possible someone cleaning my house stole an earing, but possibly it was vacuumed up or something?

15acrabm's avatar

Once I took five bucks out of my moms wallet. I felt so bad about it I put ten bucks back in the next day from my own wallet and have never done anything like that again. But yes, I have had many things stolen from me before. For example, one of my friends little sister was snooping around my room and actually snuck a bunch of my jewlery into her pockets. I caught her though. Also a girl on my volleyball team that I invited over once was in my closet stuffing some of my better clothes up her shirt! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

When I was about 10 or 11, I stole a pair of Barbie shoes from a distant relative. The rationale was that she had oodles of pairs, and some in the same style, just different colors. Almost 40 years later, I still feel bad about it.

I don’t think anyone stole from me or the family before that. It was purely an action based upon coveting something that someone else had and I wanted and knew that my parents wouldn’t buy for me. What I found out is that rationalizations do not erase the guilt felt.

Coloma's avatar

No, I am not a thief at all. My thieving “history” was stealing a rock from a kids collection in 3rd grade show and tell and returning it at the end of recess because I felt so guilty. lol
My second and last thieving moment was stealing a blanket from a hotel room at age 18 when traveling with a friend. We wanted a blanket to sit on the beach and we got busted by the hotel owner who saw us putting it in our trunk. That was my last and final episode of stealing.

deni's avatar

I occassionally, and much more so in the past than in the present, would steal silly things from large chains that I want but don’t need or couldn’t afford, like expensive nail polish from Walmart. But, Walmart can go fuck itself so I don’t feel guilty and don’t worry too much about this at all.

I suppose the biggest thing I’ve ever had stolen from me, kind of, was my camera a few months back. I lost it while on a group bike ride in town, and I couldn’t believe that no one ever returned it. Kinda broke my heart. It was a pink camera with rainbow stickers on it and photos of a bunch of my male friends cross dressing, which was the theme of the ride that night. It bums me out especially because the ride is kind of like a big happy family, but someone found my camera and never gave it back. Boo.

My friend used to be a klepto and one time we went to Alcatraz Island and before you go they take a picture of you with a photo of Alcatraz as the back drop (a photo, not the real island, which is a mere 90 degrees away….bizarre) Anyhow, they print them as a 5×7 and charge you 22 dollars or something outrageous for them. Well, he wanted it so he took it and scampered off without paying, then he gets a tap on the shoulder from this huge security guy. Didn’t really get in trouble but the guy made him pay and he hasn’t stole since. I guess that shook him. But it was funny as hell and the picture is hilarious.

flutherother's avatar

No, it seemed like a new and thrilling idea to me.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I stole food for about a year straight. I was never caught. During the same period, I had seven bikes stolen. I don’t steal at all now.

talljasperman's avatar

I have had my childhood stolen.

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