Here are some things that would make a relationship not worth it for me:
If my partner constantly made me feel like I was to blame for all sorts of things, for which I was either not to blame or it was something that was not in my control (like having a bad family member or having an illness)
If my partner made lots of left-handed compliments towards me, or made snarky little insults about me or my desires, or interests or about my convictions or faith (or lack thereof).
If my partner was passive-agressive, or belittled me.
Or if I felt like I constantly had to prove my love or my worth to him.
If he was an un-recovering alcoholic or drug addict. And in my own case, if I knew he had been an addict before we started dating, it’s not likely that I would get involved with him in the first place, even if he was in recovery, but that’s just me. Same thing would go for depression or bi-polar, because I have lived with relatives who have those conditions and it’s no picnic. For me, I would never willingly venture into a couples relationship with someone who had a serious, or even lesser mental problem. I just don’t have the capacity to cope with or help that person without losing my own self or injuring my own health. God bless people who do.
If I found out my partner had cheated, whether it was online or in real life. Even emotional cheaters (where they haven’t actually had sex with the other person) have taken time and energy and their physical being away from where it belongs, I consider that to be a betrayal.
Any kind of physical abuse, and most kinds of mental abuse. I could not stay with someone who screamed at me.
If I felt like my partner could not love and respect, or be attracted to me, unless I had a perfect body. It’s one thing to eat healthy and to get a healthy dose of exercise on a regular basis, and to keep one’s self clean and to present one’s self nicely in decent clothes, but it’s not worth it to be on a constant yo-yo diet for someone else, or to become a bulimic or go to any kinds of drastic measures to change your physical self for someone else’s pleasure.
If my partner lied to me on a regular basis.
If my partner constantly promised to change some bad behaviors, but never followed through.
If my partner didn’t take his own health seriously, refused to go to a doctor, refused to eat healthy meals, refused to exercise, refused to give up risky behaviors (although I probably wouldn’t be with Mr. Risky in the first place).
If my partner refused to go to counseling with me, if there were obvious problems in the relationship.
If it seemed like my partner had little or no respect for my feelings, thoughts and beliefs.
If I felt like my partner had more interest in his friends, or sports or the computer, or his job (as in a workaholic type) than he did in me and our relationship.
If his family members gave me grief. I know I’m a nice, decent person, so if his family members didn’t like me, or were mean to me, or tried to manipulate me, then that would be a huge problem, that I would expect him to solve, or at least handle in a way that stopped it.
If my partner was angry and or mean (to me, others, animals, strangers etc) on a regular basis. And with some of these examples, it would only have to happen one time.
If my partner had some ideas about men and women being so different that they were supposed to be relegated to certain jobs, whether it be in the workforce or around the house or in society. Equality is very important to me. That doesn’t mean that both people can or will or even should make evey single thing 50–50, that’s not realistic, but if the other person actually believed that men and women should not be equal, then that would be a huge problem.
If my partner turned out to be someone who could not care for me, or wasn’t interested in caring for me, if I became disable or even just sick with a cold or a cut on my finger or a bad headache, or stomach cramps, because he either just didn’t really care that much, or because he thought it was beneath him to act as a nurse, or he thought it was “icky” then that would be a huge problem for me. I’m a nurturer by nature, but I would hope that my partner would be willing to care for me if I needed that.
I know that this list of mine sounds like a lot of deal-breakers, they are, but I think if people really examined their deal breakers before they got into relationships, and if they discussed these kinds of things early on in their relationships, there would be a whole lot less divorce and long ugly dragged out breakups.