The plain fact is that they cannot legally physically force anyone without their consent. That’s it and the reason I know that is because a Dr. who treated me for a blood test phobia (fortunately I’m perfectly OK with needles. Just not ones destined for my veins :) advised me to never allow anyone to use a Vacutainer on me for a blood draw.
When I asked him how I could prevent that (I was considerably younger and more naive in those days) he told me straightforwardly : ” Its your body and no one can force you without your consent. That is the law”
So, I’ve had to deal with my share of very unhappy blood techs and nurses who did not like the idea of a patient insisting that they either use a syringe or it doesn’t get done at all. But there were others who understood and were fine with it. I was always very polite about it but quite firm. Some refused to deal with me at all and the pros just went to get a syringe and got the job done without undue fuss and angst.
So the corollary to refusing a procedure is that they CAN refuse to deal with you further and have you sign an AMA form (Against Medical Advice).
That’s what they CAN do but it’s pretty much a judgement call as to whether they WILL DO that. It really depends upon the personality of whom you’re dealing with, assuming that you and she remain calm and polite. (at least that’s what I’ve experienced)
And I would hope that they would do the EKG first and then the blood test, but that could go either way.
So, if it’s just a matter of getting her to go in the first place you can reassure her that they can’t legally force her into bloodwork or injections.
Once you get through this crisis, it’s imperative that she gets therapy for this phobia as it can (without doubt) cost her her life one day.
And for those of you who have never had a phobia about anything (not just a fear or strong dislike) kindly just shut up already. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. At all.
A person can be perfectly sane and yet have a phobia. A phobia, by definition, is NOT RATIONAL. That’s why it’s called a phobia. If it responded to logic, it wouldn’t be a phobia for crying out loud.
So asking what sane person would refuse life saving treatment is extremely unhelpful. Sane people have and will continue to do just precisely that if they are in the grip of a PHOBIA. It’s not rational. That’s why it’s termed a phobia and not something else. It doesnt mean they are insane Get it? Sheesh.
But the good news is that phobias can be successfully treated with progressive desensitization and it works. It’s a very gradual process and no one is forced into anything.
If you want more info, shoot me a PM. I’ve been there.