Social Question

What will it take to convince Americans to overturn Citizens United?
Last night, Senate Republicans used the filibuster 2 more times to block the majority from passing the Disclose Act, which would have required the new super spenders created by the Citizens United ruling to at least be identified, so the American People could have some idea who wants to buy an election, and perhaps they could guess what the billionaire buying a US election wants for the $100 million he’s investing. In the 2012 election, 80% of the giving is coming from just 196 people, and thanks to Citizens United, you can’t even know who they are. In fact, you can’t even know that some foreign corporation or government isn’t behind a particular smear campaign on our TV.
Rather than write up the question details, let me refer you to this clip from Rachel Maddow explaining it accurately and brilliantly. And in case you might want to know what multibillionaire Sheldon Addelson wants for his $100 million, watch this. Could it be he’d like to buy a government that would make the investigation into his possible violation of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (Bribing officials of foreign governments) just go away?