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Berserker's avatar

What's something good to drink not long before bed?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) July 18th, 2012

Not for any specific purpose, like helping with sleep. I’m also aware one shouldn’t drink or eat much before bed, but meh. Is there any drink someone can have that won’t mess up the sleep pattern too much? Obviously, caffeine is not an option, nor is anything with too much sugar in it. All I can think of is water…any ideas? Milk, some kind of juice, mineral water, blood, I denno. XD Suggestions appreciated.

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32 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

the tears of children!
Also my cousin and I met Sid haig last Saturday in comic con. He was really down to Earth and I shook his hand.

gailcalled's avatar

Right now I am swilling ice water and enjoying it, due to high temperatures and humidity.

I also make fresh lemonade at this time of year; it’s easy to hand squeeze some lemons, add cold water and a little sugar.

bkcunningham's avatar

Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea.

filmfann's avatar

Mexican Hot Chocolate.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I usually drink either water or milk before bed. Most often, it’s water, but if I’m having heartburn/indigestion, then I drink milk. Neither interfere with my sleeping.

Berserker's avatar

@filmfann Isn’t hot chocolate filled with sugar? :/

@bkcunningham I might check that out, sleep promotion is always welcome.

@Michael_Huntington Man everybody meets Sid except me. Canada pisses me off. XD

Cruiser's avatar

Chamomile Tea with a touch of wild honey is perfect before bed.

bkcunningham's avatar

I hope you enjoy the tea if you ever give it a try:

@Cruiser, Celestial Seasonings makes a Sleepytime Chamomile with spearmint and lemongrass that is very soothing and comforting. I love to breath it in as I sip it at bedtime.

Judi's avatar

Warm milk and toast (or milk toast ) The combination is supposed to help you sleep. That is IF you can afford the calories. (I can’t. )

Berserker's avatar

@bkcunningham I was thinking maybe NeoCitran. I love that crap even when I’m not sick lol, but the tea may be a better alternative. My roomate said just drink Coke. Jesus man. She says it doesn’t affect her sleep. I know it’ll affect mine though…I’m pretty sure I can find those teas somewhere. (the site doesn’t seem to work with my postal code but I’m pretty positive I saw those bagged tea boxes before)

@Judi Toast rules. :)

Berserker's avatar

Oh I found a Canadian store finder. They have em at Sears. Lol. I knew we had them over here.

augustlan's avatar

If you want an alcoholic night cap, I recommend DeKuyper Buttershot Schnapps, in a small glass over a little ice. Or Ginger Brandy, served the same way. Both are soothing and lovely tasting.

Usually, I drink water right before bed. And then have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. :/

bkcunningham's avatar

Mix the DeKuyper’s with Irish Creme and you get a buttery nipple. mmm

mazingerz88's avatar

Human blood, shaken not stirred with a virgin goat’s bile. Otherwise, you would have to call Michael Jackson’s doctor. Fuck it, we all know where that led to. Got milk?

Coloma's avatar

A slurpee! ;-)

ucme's avatar

Cocoa, sort of an old fashioned drinking chocolate, like The Walton’s used to drink by the bucket load.
“Goodnight John-Boy…..i’m finishing my fucking cocoa, enough already!”

LuckyGuy's avatar

Water… but just a little. Otherwise you might have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.
I usually don’t drink anything an hour or 2 before bed – except for a little water while in the shower.

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 Got arrested last time I did that.

@Coloma LOL

@Crashsequence2012 Gross bro.

Ponderer983's avatar

I like to drink tea. To me the caffeine doesn’t affect me, but you can have decaf. But I want to go to @augustlan house and sleepover! Sounds like a good time.

augustlan's avatar

@Ponderer983 BYOP Bring Your Own Pillows!

Berserker's avatar

somebody say pillows?

mazingerz88's avatar

The only pillows I use are ample boobies. O-O

Berserker's avatar

It was weird, I woke up in the middle of the night, and one of my pillows was placed all bizarre. My bed is right by the window, and the pillow was sort of diagonally placed, with one end on the bed and the other end by the window, like as if it was trying to crawl through and escape. O_o

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Close encounter of the third playful and naughty kind?

Berserker's avatar

Maybe. A few times I woke up, and my comforter was completely flipped over. Like as if I did it myself. Shit be gettin odd.

Ponderer983's avatar

@mazingerz88 I have ample boobie pillows

mazingerz88's avatar

@Ponderer983 Sorry, but squirrel nipples just don’t do it for me. Lol.

Only138's avatar

BLOOD….as long as you don’t sparkle. If so, gotta kill yourself.

Berserker's avatar

Me, sparkle? Pfft bro.

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