How can I tell someone I am not interested in them because?
How can I tell someone I am not interested in them because they live to far away from me?
I get a fair amount of responses to my online dating profile but they are all from people who live outside of Seattle proper.
I do not have a lot of requirements for someone that I go on a date with (you never know who you will hit it off with so I don’t limit myself to much). The one requirement that they also live in the city OR they need to travel to me 100% of the time no exceptions.
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13 Answers
Easy. I’m not interested in a long distance relationship.
Hi, Nice-sounding person;
Unfortunately, you live too (sic) far away; it’s what I call “geographically undesirable (GU). Unless you are willing to travel to me all the time, I will sadly have to say “good-bye.”
If you ever move, I hope you’ ll let me know.
Best, Homebody who hates to travel.
Can’t you just literally say what you said here? It’s not an outrageous request, pretty typical really.
@deni That’s what I wanted to say but someones I think I come across as to harsh so I will looking for the right words.
Don’t dating profiles have a way of filtering out people who live more than [Blank] distance away from your house?
@athenasgriffin yes but the shortest distance the POF has (as a requirement) is 75 miles :| I can search within 5 miles but that doesn’t stop others from searching for me within 75 miles.
Why not just say that? I’m sorry. You live too far away.
@mrlaconic You don’t have to worry about hurting feelings. They haven’t formed a connection with you yet if it is just over POF. Unless you’ve been talking to them for weeks. Then you need to be a little bit less blunt. Otherwise, just say “You seem really [Insert good thing about them, pretty, interesting, fun] but I’m looking for someone in Seattle proper. May the fishes be ever in your favor. (Which they will get if they’ve seen Hunger Games)”
Just be honest, as @Pandora and @gailcalled said.
I have a no long distance rule myself, tried dating someone a few years ago that lived 70 miles away….waaay too much work. A simple, ” I am not interested in a LD relationship but I wish you well in your search” is honest and to the point. You are not “rejecting” this person, you are rejecting the geography.
Honesty is the best policy for this situation. You may think it sounds harsh. To me it comes off as pragmatic.
I don’t think it’s harsh. Just “I’m sorry but I can’t date someone who lives so far away.”
You can put it in your profile, too.
I tend to say “I wish you lived closer so we could date” (if that’s the only reason) or else “I’m afraid you are too far from me to find out if we’re a match.”
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