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[NSFW] A female issue please see inside.

Asked by Shippy (10020points) July 20th, 2012

I know asking medical questions via the net not always the best idea. I also understand the limited nature of the advice that can be given.

But here goes, since I have been to a homeopath and a Doctor. I chose these primarily because of lack of funds and at first I trusted complementary medicine.

I will really try and nutshell it.

Recently I have been quite sexually active. Before I was not so much! Yes I took necessary “precautions” as I am quite sensible, however, not always!

This resulted in contact with latex, lubricants so on, which I think disturbed my natural PH balance “down there”. I also think I am premenopausal soon to turn 50 so dryness could also have been an issue. Or even vulva atrophy.
I was also using a lot of soaps, and clean wipes because I am a clean freak, shaving and so on.

After one encounter, I noticed a blister like thingy on my vulva, it appeared to have burst? It later turned grey. I had one blister. Or grey “thing” as I see it. I went for full testing and am clear. (For STDS).

The homeopath prescribed powders etc., and it made me so ill with Candida, I have had to stop and then rushed to the Doctor for help with the mess this had caused. . He said such blisters “can” occur with Candida albicans . So, I was given a cream and a one dose fluconazole. I realize names could vary from country to country.

I don’t want to take the tablet however I am using the cream. The tablet has many side affects which worry me, I am not very good with pill taking. Perhaps I do have bad candida in my system, and need the pill? Or is there another way I can rid my blood of this, if it is this causing this one blister thingy. If any of these sounds familiar or anyone has advice it would be great or alternative ways to heal this. I would so appreciate it. The anxiety about taking the pill is causing my blood pressure to rise, literally.

Thank you

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