Social Question

What kind of games appeal to and what kind do you despise?
There are all kinds of games, of course. There are games designed to create winners and losers, such as sports or cards or board games. Then there are games designed to foster social interaction, like Quizzo or social games or ice breaker games. In addition, there are the kinds of games playing that people like to despise—like people who play games in relationships or who are “players.”
I enjoy sports games, and I used to like some card games, like hearts. But I find children’s card games like Crazy Eights to be utterly boring. I used to play chess and was interested in Go, but after a while those lost their charms for me.
For a long time, I really enjoyed spider solitaire on the computer. I could spend hours at it. But that, too, is utterly uninteresting to me.
Now I find I like certain kinds of social games—the ones where it is not clear what the rules are. I don’t like the artificial games that much, but I do like dancing games and conversational games and the games we play when we joke with other and tell stories or even do business.
What kind of games do you like and/or dislike? What is it that appeals or turns you off about these games?