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seVen's avatar

Is Apple releasing new TouchScreen Laptop/Tablet soon?

Asked by seVen (3492points) June 1st, 2008 from iPhone

I’ve heard it might somewhere but am not sure. It would be awesome especially if it had QuadroCore processor speed and MacBook Pro’s features and Panasonic ToughBook’s indestructability.

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3 Answers

koesac's avatar

The ruhmors stem from people talking about a larger screen iPhone, based on the intel atom processor not a quad core.
If you want a tablet they do exist here and are very good from what I have seen, and authorised by apple. There is also a video somewhere of some developers who demo multi touch on a Mac but this is not platform dependent and uses external input. But this is just a proof of concept like the Microsoft touch wall.

But fingers crossed it will happen soon. This is where the market is going, with Microsoft’s demo of windows 7 and all.

jstringham21's avatar

Fall 2008. Probably not going to get one though. Too expensive. I’ll just blow $10,000 on a Microsoft Surface.

FrancisRude's avatar

Yeah, its all over the internet, Macbook Touch, on October? According to Daring Fireball.

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