Social Question

What do you think Spain's future will be like?
As some of you may know, I live on an island owned by Spain. Recently things have started to go real bad for Spain, except on the island I live on as we are protected by tourists who come here to empty their pockets.
However, the Spanish government has recently removed unemployment money for those that are out of work, and replaced it with “unemployment help”, basically a 3rd of the money you usually get.
The island I live on has heavy tourism for 6 months of the year, and zero work or jobs out of season. Most people here depend on unemployment money to get through winter.
People on this island have started making plans for when the tourists leave. Normal people are now planning criminal ways of surviving winter, and everyone you ask seems to think it is fair game. (even little old ladies on news sound bites)
The people seem to be anticipating riots in the winter, and while there are still a few months to go, people have already started planning for riots in advance. Some are stock piling crash helmets, metal poles, fireworks (rockets, flares, etc), glass bottles, rags and fuel, and also things to build barricades with.
I have a fairly wide range of friends, who come from many different walks of life, and I already know of at least 4 totally separate people who are preparing for battle.
Based on what has happened in other countries, specially recently, what do you think Spain’s future will be like?
I think things will be ok, mainly because I think riots will fix things, a lot of economic progress is being held back by laws. e.g. In our tourist dependent area it is illegal to have live entertainment without a license, and totally illegal to advertise via posters or pamphlets.
I think things will probably be fixed with some rebellion, but I could be wrong. So what is your take on it?