General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

How much would you pay a couple of guys to lift a heavy treadmill up 3, then 4 easy stairs, and load it into a truck?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) July 22nd, 2012

My sister has my Mom’s treadmill. It is worth a couple of grand and my sister doesn’t want it anymore. It’s been sitting in her basement for 5 years and she’s only used it a few times. She said that I can have it, but, when her husband and a friend carried it into their place, she said that it was a pain in the ass to get in there. I’m guessing that it was quite heavy.

I was thinking about hiring a couple of guys to move it. How much would you pay?

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17 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

It costs c. $500 to move a baby grand piano. The treadmill is less delicate and can be jarred a bit.

I’d offer $100 per guy. When my treadmill (worth $2000 and over 15 years old) was delivered, two large (brutish) guys managed to haul it through sliding doors in a basement, which is a lot easier than negotiating stairs.

They had a forklift or dolly to load the thing onto the truck from the warehouse originally.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

How heavy are these things? Good ones, I mean. I ask this, as my sister’s husband and his friend are rather built and they had a tough time with it.

janbb's avatar

You mean “how much would you pay?” not “how much would you charge”, don’t you? Unless you can pull a Tom Sawyer…..

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@janbb ah, yes. The heat is getting to me..

janbb's avatar

I’m thinking $100—$150 would be ample if they are not taking it out at the other end.

funkdaddy's avatar

If two guys got it in, two guys can probably get it out. Four would make it easier if everyone can fit through the doors.

Do you have guy friends who would move it? (or ladies who are comfortable moving furniture, not trying to short anyone). Most of the time you can get people over for the cost of a decent dinner and a thank you.

gailcalled's avatar

Seriously heavy. My Vision 9200 weighs about 225lbs, from what I was able to find online. It is, however, one of my most treasured possessions (after Milo) and worth every penny.

The heavier models that most gyms have weigh 300 lbs.

And you’d have to insist that the movers wear elastic back supports of a serious nature.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@gailcalled It’ll work wonderfully indoors during our cold and icy Canadian winters. :)

gailcalled's avatar

Aah. you’re not so special.

Our Oct. 30 storm here and here.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

A few years ago.

One and two. :)

gailcalled's avatar

Is that snow? (Or are you cheating with thick fog?)

(I rediscovered that ancient toilet connected to nothing in the basement.)

Mama_Cakes's avatar

That is snow. Schools were shut down for a few days.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

“I rediscovered that ancient toilet connected to nothing in the basement.”

Isn’t she a beauty?

funkdaddy's avatar

@gailcalled – Is that your home? It’s beautiful.

gailcalled's avatar

@funkdaddy: It is and it is. Thanks. No matter what is happening, it is a pleasure living here. Plus I have 20 acres of mice, voles, chipmunks and squirrels waiting to provide Milo with an exercise unit and a little nosh.

blueiiznh's avatar

4 guys would move it for about a case of beer each.

Jenniehowell's avatar

10–15 dollars per hour each if they are just average guys. If they job takes less than an hour I’d still pay them 15 each plus a pizza and/or six pack. If they are a company and there are forms etc. you are filling out that guarantee certain levels of care and provide insurance and stipulation for what happens if they damage your property then perhaps there would be a more hefty payment, but I can’t imagine why just some average guys (or even day workers) wouldn’t be able to quickly and easily lift and carry a treadmill.

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