What do you think about people putting kissing (their s/o) pictures as their profile picture?
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26 Answers
I think it’s okay in moderation. But if you put up a picture every day of you and your s/o kissing or make a status every twenty minutes about how in love you are with them, then it just gets to the point where it’s attention seeking and annoying.
It makes me feel a little uncomfortable. It’s too intimate.
I have wondered why some people on Facebook exchange intimate information and undying vows of love over and over. The general public is not interested initially and ultimately ill at ease. Same with pictures.
What’s the need to display in aid of?
Interesting. I’ve never seen it and suspect that I would feel the same way that @mangeons does.
Screw it, there isn’t enough love in the world. If you want to put a kissing picture on here, do it. Just know some guys are going to get their rocks off on it.
@gailcalled: Not only do these same people post their undying love for each other, but when they fight they put up passive aggressive posts about their issues. I just don’t get it.
As far as photos of kissing, I say if they want to, go ahead. Just like people put their photos of what they eat for dinner, what they drink for fun, etc. Whateverrrr.
They need to keep their deviant lifestyle choice to themselves, obviously.
I particularly have problems with photos of entrees that are so underexposed that it could be raw boar’s meat in Plato’s cave.
It doesn’t bother me and I’ve been guilty of doing it a time or two (like right after we got married and right after he got home from Iraq). They were only up for a short while.
Cheesy and lame. They need to be put down.
There’s worse things in the world.
What makes you think it’s a picture of the person posting?
seems alright to me – why should I care what their pic is? there’s a difference of course between some crazy make out foreplay sort of kiss that may double as a porn flick cover image as a profile pic and a regular average couple kissing.
Fine with me. If they’re comfortable with it, all the power to them.
I can’t recall seeing anyone do this but really, I don’t give a rats. They are kissing. Ho hum.
Kissing is fine. I don’t want to see tongues, though. Keep those out of view. ;)
I wouldn’t mind but I’ve never seen one of my FB friends do this. In any case most profile pics are too small for me to see what the pic actually is anyway.
Seems to me like some people are only in a relationship to show it on Facebook. If that’s the way they want it, I don’t really care. I think the better relationships doesn’t really need to show it, because that’s not why they exist.
On Facebook, it doesn’t bother me at all. I guess there is a dividing line. It should be a picture of a lips closed kiss, not a make out session. I’ve seen it a lot, sometimes it is cute.
On the other hand, if it is in a Fluther profile pic, that seems a bit personal.
If you narrowed it down to fluther i still would say i could care less unless it was a graphic tongue kiss or something – I think it’s weirder when people create a username that makes you wonder whether or not both people use the account – in general but especially in a place like fluther I’d expect that people be independent enough to function as such rathe than so co-dependent to have to operate online as if their relationship has caused them to morph into one lone brain with no more independent thoughts or views.
It disgusts me. Then again, I’m not at all a touchy-feely kind of person so that’s why I feel that way.
Not trying to be snippy, you know I lurve you @Mama_Cakes but it really shouldn’t matter what others think of what you want to do on your profile. To answer the question, it doesn’t bother me. I like to know that people are happy and in love.
I’m not a huge fan of it in all honesty. I feel the same way about that as I do about people who constantly use their status to let their SO know how much they love them (complete with annoying nicknames etc). I think that kind of thing is more about letting their friends know about their relationship status than the actual SO!
I do also agree with those that say, life is too short to be really irritated by this type of things so I tend to just roll my eyes a little at it.
My Facebook profile picture is a shot captured right before our first kiss at our wedding. Our lips aren’t touching, but they’re close and we’re smiling at each other. I like it and think it’s sweet, not distasteful. Would I put up a picture of my husband and I making out on Facebook? No, there’s no reason for it.
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