General Question

How can I get my neighbors off my back help!
I do wish I could ask my rights but I understand we are in different countries. I guess then the main focus is how to get my “neighbors” to stop harassing me.
Brief history. Lived in this building (sectional title) for 15 years, during which time, I was a great tenant. Even donated plants the semi garden down stairs. And also paid my levy regularly. I am not sure what that is called anywhere else, but it goes toward the buildings bank account for repairs and so on. Because we are such a tiny building the levy is comparatively high.
For a year, I went into the deepest depression I have ever known. I could not even get outside to get food. My office called me to come in and see them, after a period of two months absent and told me that they had given my major accounts away. I sank lower into this depression. I cut off contact with everyone I knew except one neighbor, who kind of forced herself upon me, and would come up to see how I am.
Ok so now, it is around a year and a half later. The last six months I have perked up a bit, and started doing websites, with a friend of mine, we are very cheap, and we split the money, so money is not great. I rely on that, and basically hand outs from friends. (We have no social support here) just the equivalent of $70.00 per month if you get it. I also wrote to my company as I had disability, did not get it, and cannot also get my unemployment card, since the franchise I was at closed down. My levy is in arrears in a huge way. I own the property.
I get letters now everyday from various neighbors asking me to pay, when will I pay and if I don’t they will hand me over. In all fairness the income I earn from websites barely buys food never mind anything else. A friend approached them this week to ask them to stop writing daily to me as I had received a mail from them each plus Saturday, and was called “selfish” and they were suffering because of the way I am behaving.
My friend explained it was not on purpose (I had kept the body corporate up to date) but he replied he knew nothing of this factor that I had been so ill.
The neighbor that used to pop upstairs asks me daily, have you sold sites today? How much have you made? So on. It is doing my head in. the other people or companies I owed money to, I wrote many letter, and even they do not harass me so. How can I deal with this I feel myself once again sinking into that black hole?

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