General Question

row4food's avatar

Are there any websites where you can type in what ingredients you have and it will suggest recipes?

Asked by row4food (3049points) June 1st, 2008

I no longer live at home where I have the luxury of my mom cooking for me. I never much learned how to cook anything other than Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and scrambled eggs (okay, not just that, but you get the picture). I go grocery shopping and buy things that I think I should be eating to stay healthy, but I don’t know what to do with them most of the time. I have cookbooks, but I find that I get bored just looking through them and never find anything that I would want to/be able to make.

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8 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

The interface is clumsy. But it works.

Tennis5tar's avatar

I have been wondering the same thing for some time… thanks for asking and answering everyone.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Google has a recipe search feature. Its pretty good because it searches a lot of different recipe sites and has a pretty comprehensive advanced search.

breanne's avatar

Recipe Zaar kind of does it as well.

zahava85's avatar
you can do an ingredient search

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