General Question

NewWorldSurvivor's avatar

Which countries have capitalism?

Asked by NewWorldSurvivor (34points) July 24th, 2012

Besides the United States, which countries have capitalism?

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

All of them, to varying degrees.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Is it really capitalism when risks are socialized while the lion’s share of the gains are divvied up amongst insider management/finance cliques bypassing even stockholders?

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Every single country in the world to some degree.

josie's avatar

True capitalism Is laissez-faire. There is not a national economy on Earth that isn’t controlled.

Garebo's avatar

every country, communist or capitalist is ingrained with greed, every country on the planet or every inhabitant is looking for an advantage to get ahead-you might call it something different, I call it capitalism. Communists just steal thru corruption, and self contain it for the select few to nourish and empower themselves. As much as I hate greedy wall street that put us in this mess which is another story; I would never subjugate myself to a government controlled life-I gone.
Sorry I am bad listener at times: Greenland, Antarctica, New Guinea, Tahiti, Borah Borah and Madagascar.

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