Well, I expected some divergence of opinion on this one, and boy did I ever get it. Judging a man’s legacy is always complex, because no person is really a digital character. They aren’t the handy 1/0 perfection our current political discourse seems to always ascribe. Nobody rises to the presidency without having certain positive traits, and most seem to need some level of narcissism and pride to get there as well.
@ucme Yes, Dutch was good for a laugh. His stint in acting paid off for him when he turned to politics. I thought POTUS was his most convincing role.
@moderated This was in social. What did you post?!?
@josie Sounds like a man who doesn’t know and doesn’t care to research whether the speaker’s claims are true of false. It is possible to determine, since they are objective and not subjective assertions. I did the homework, and he’s telling the truth on his statements of fact. Now whether that equates to the ratings he comes up with, that’s entirely subjective. There, he is definitely pursuing a political agenda. As to the fall of the Soviet Union, it was already dead. I give Reagan credit for his part. But Lech Walesa put his life on the line to topple the Soviets. Pope John Paul was a huge part of the Soviet demise. So was Boris Yeltsin, at great risk to himself. Reagan could have probably gotten credit for the demise of the Societ Block without tripling our national debt to do it.
@Jaxk Let’s try some actual history instead of the Faux “News” propaganda. Reagan took an economy in recession and after 3½ years was about as far along as Obama is now in getting it back into recovery. The difference is that wasn’t the Great Recession, it was just a bump along the road brought on by the Arab Oil Embargo, which resolved itself no thanks to magical Reagan powers. Reagan did manage to boost employment in his 8 years, but he did it by massive deficit spending, tripling the national debt. And he lagged far behind Bill Clinton in job creation.
Clinton inherited a recession similar in scope to the one Reagan inherited. He managed to create more jobs in 8 years than any other president in US history. And instead of tripling the debt like Reagan did, he balanced the budget and began actually paying the debt down. But of course, George W. Bush came along and corrected that error of ways. How Un-Republican to actually decrease the debt instead of deliberately driving it up to move money to your corporate bosses while railing against it in public. You must have really hated Clinton.
@PurpleClouds Nailed it to his foot.
@wundayatta Thank you.
@bkcunningham Overstated, but Reagan’s “Tear down this wall statement probably accelerated the fall of the Soviet Union by a bit.
@flutherother Thanks. Pretty much how I view it.
@filmfann My only quibble would be with Kennedy. I’m not sure what he would or wouldn’t have accomplished had he served out two terms.