Social Question

What are your thoughts about this work situation involving Christian music?
I work in the central pharmacy of a very large hospital. The pharmacy has a large open area with all of the medications, computers, etc. where we work all day. Often times, there is music playing on one of the computers – usually Pandora.
A couple technicians put on rap, Nicki Minaj, and other music that has explicit lyrics – which are not edited on Pandora. The music is often pretty loud, and as an intern that works over there, I’ve had pharmacists ask me to turn it off before. I usually just turn it down, especially when I’m working up there answering the phone.
Lately, one of the techs has been playing Christian music. Now – disclaimer – I do not have a problem with religion, or people who are religious. So please no personal attacks here. I was uncomfortable with it playing on the computer that I had to work at, right next to the phone I use, while I was working. So, I just turned it off. When I walked away, it was turned back on. This happened three times in one day. I let it go. The next time we worked together, it happened again.
The person who plays the music is very confrontational, and I didn’t feel comfortable asking her to turn it off. So, I spoke with the manager, in private, about the volume and genre of music being played – and just suggested that he address what is and is not appropriate music for work.
A few days later, he announced that due to issues with the music being played, only the hospital radio station was allowed in the pharmacy.
This girl took it as a personal attack on her music. She made a huge deal of it, going so far as to ask each person in the pharmacy if they had a problem with her Christian music. She even took the schedule off the wall and went through all the people she had worked with, trying to figure out who was not a “Christian”. The rest of the day, she personally informed every employee at shift change of the new policy, stating that SOMEONE had a problem with the Christian station.. trying to cause drama.
Long story short(er), she is making it miserable to work there. She insinuates that it was me, as I’m one of the few that did not discuss it or sympathize with her. She even said that whoever did it is “probably some atheist..” and “a coward..” even mentioned them going to hell for it.. She flat out said that she “will never let this go…” and is set on finding the person who did it… as if they committed some heinous personal attack. It took all I had not to say something.
So, what do you think? Was I wrong to ask, in confidence, for the music to be stopped? Please, no personal attacks. Whether I believe in God, or am Christian is really not the question here.. If she continues this behavior, should I just continue to let it go as I have been? Or should I go to HR?