Social Question

What did I say wrong?
I recently met this decent guy on my way to work, not much was exchanged between us during the time in which we first met, but it was enough to make me take down his number.
For awhile we were texting back and fourth, and he kept asking me questions like: “How do you feel about sex without a condom?”, “How many days per week do you think its cool to have sex?”, and my favorite one “How do you feel about cuddling?” I didn’t feel these questions were appropriate to ask especially since we just met. We spoke about other things besides sex, and I thought we had a bit in common. When he then asked me what I thought about the conversation so far I honestly answered, “It seems as if you’re looking for something more physical than mental” he then said “Well I want a relationship in which we are both physical, so in a way you are right”. It then felt a little rushed when he asked “What are your impressions?” So I responded with “It just seems like your just trying to F#$%” He then said “Well your making assumptions that aren’t true, which will lead to an argument, and please delete my number from your phone”
I’m not sure what I said wrong? If you’re asking someone about unprotected sex, and their sexual behavior I’m going to assume that your just interested in sex. This had me confused pretty much all week.