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mazingerz88's avatar

Any really funny thing you heard lately?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29260points) July 26th, 2012

Just saw a clip of the upcoming comedy movie of Will Farrell and Zach Galiafinakis. Will insults Zach, his political opponent, saying, “You are such a turd that when you sit in the sand, cats come to bury you”. Lol.

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9 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

There is a parody song by the mousy girl on “Big Bang Theory” called I’m Patronizin’ You .

I thought it was so-so funny until the line where she says “When I say it is normal you jerk off to the Wonder Years, I am partonizin’ you”. Which was kinda funny. Then the real actress from the Wonder Years appears all grown up in a leopard skin outfit, I did a spit take.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

“Are you going to finish that?” My sister last week at the family reunion.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Boris Johnson’s speech to the audience at Hyde Park last night was amusing in light of Mitt Romney’s comments about whether London is ready for the Olympics etc.

Coloma's avatar

Playing Fact or Crap the other night and it is a fact that the Canadian society for Alzhiemers disease has the “Forget me not” flower as their corporate logo.
OMG! That game, pants peeing time no doubt, some of the Q.‘s are SO freakin’ funny you really WANT them to be true! lololol

Berserker's avatar

The latest Angry Video Game Nerd video. This one features Arnold Schwarzenegger games, and it’s hilarious. He reviews a Conan game eventually, and he’s all like; Conan the Barbarian and video games. How can you possibly fuck this up? he knew damn well it was gonna suck total balls, too haha

OpryLeigh's avatar

Who’s watching the Olympic opening ceremony? Mr Bean playing a chariots of Fire was brilliantly funny!

Bellatrix's avatar

I liked that the Queen was game enough to parachute into the event with James too.

Berserker's avatar

Here’s something real recent that totally made me laugh.

Before I show it to you, I’d like to inform the Collective that I’m taking over.

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