Am I the only one who sees some of these laws as lacking common sense?
Asked by
Pandora (
July 26th, 2012
Ok, so if you need an inhaler, you have to get a doctor to prescribe it because it can be used for some illegal use.
Some over the counter medications are even kept track off and you can only buy it directly from a pharmacist.
There are jobs out there that require people to get a psychological evaluation test if they must carry a gun or some weapon, or even when working with children. But regular Joe, down the street can go and purchase an automatic rifle and 6000 bullets but the public is suppose to trust that all gun holders are sane! But in the meantime, little Mary with severe asthma who just ran out of her medication and is broke, is suppose to see a doctor before getting her life saving medicine.
Why does it make sense that we protect the rights of gun nuts and yet not protect precious lives?
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22 Answers
But he didn’t buy an automatic rifle. Those are as heavily regulated as prescription drugs. They run background checks on people buying guns, you know. If you’ve been deemed nuttier than a fruitcake by a professional, you can’t own a firearm. Here in the States we tend to assume that people are sane until it’s demonstrated otherwise.
The thing is that the laws weren’t all written at once, nor in the same mindset. The patchiness is caused by issue-driven campagins. Someone lobbys for drug restrictions, and gets them. Someone else pushes for psychological evaluations. Someone sees an issue and decides that there ought to be a law, and the ball rolls on to their Congressmen. AFAIK our legal system was designed to be modified on an “as-needed” basis, the better to respect our individual freedoms.
You want to hear something scary? I have access to toxic chemicals and I supply about three thousand dinners a week. Nobody ever seems to worry about that, though.
So just go to the doc and get a script. Whats the big hold up? Or go to the ER
If you think the NRA’s work is about protecting the rights of gun owners, yes, you are crazy. They are a lobby financed by and dedicated to promoting the profits of the arms industry. Nothing else even enters into their equation. If Wayne LaPierre let his conscience get to him, he’d be replaced in a heartbeat.
@Nullo you continue to always be a concern. :P
I get they are all different, but my point is that the law assumes they are innocent and yet when it comes to life saving medications, they assume that you may be doing something illegal. Really!
@woodcutter, Not me. But my daughter once didn’t have insurance and needed an inhaler and for her to visit a doctor would’ve cost her 140 dollars she didn’t have. Luckily she had parents who could pay at the time. But the doctor would only write a prescription for medication for 3 months. They said it was because the inhalers where being used for illegal purposes. She had documentation of having asthma all her life. But we assume all gun buyers are not going to do anything illegal.
@ETpro Oh, I’m realistic about their goals. It all comes down to money. I’ve never believed our laws are really about the people. I know the NRA works our government like a well scented beautiful french whore.
@Pandora No we do not assume all gun buyers are good to go. If there is any criminal record legally the sale will stop. Not everyone gets to get a gun. But I think you are confusing the two. Most gun owners are well off enough to have insurance.(not me but….) This is a question of means. It is not the gun lobby’s problem if you can’t afford meds.
My wife has a disabling condition that requires her to have some pretty heavy class 2 narcotics that of course require a script and is heavily monitored by the DEA. Well guess what, since a culture of dope-heads have figured out how to get this stuff illegally and use it in a way it was not intended they have overdosed and killed themselves so….because of this the drug has been reformulated to not be as potent so the dopers will be safer so now chronic pain sufferers will suffer more because their meds have been changed to not work as well. But at least these low life’s will stay safe while getting high.
Thanks alot druggies.
If the NRA took up the cause their power and money (or is that redundant) would make access to life saving drugs a right.
@Pandora Most gun buyers don’t do anything illegal. There are about 80 million (80,000,000) gun owners in the U.S, and yet we average about 10,000 firearm-related deaths per year.
0.0125% of those 80,000,000 owners are problems. You get uglier numbers out of traffic statistics.
@rojo Money is a kind of power, like persuasion, actual energy, time, and so forth. And everyone has access to life-saving drugs: when your life needs saving and you can’t afford the drugs, you go to the ER, where they’re required to stabilize you. They can send you a bill, but lots of people don’t pay it.
@Nullo I have to agree. I don’t like comparing murder with traffic accidents but I do think that there is not a whole lot that could have been done to change what happened in Aurora.
As my momma says “Some people are just broken”.
The NRA is member supported. and it is a single issue organization that help Democrats as well as republicans get into office. They are successful that way because they stay out of everything else and do only what their members want. When your focus is narrow you can reduce your scope of responsibility. There are also groups that help low income families with meds and such.
@Nullo, I get that and don’t think, I don’t think that there should be stricter laws for drivers as well. My point is that we have more laws to protect us from nonsense than we do about serious things such as that. This guy was truly off he rocker and yet he was able to purchase weapons. I wouldn’t think it a bad thing if we had to take a psych test for drivers as well. (Especially Florida!) :D
@Pandora Like I said, we tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to sanity. I rather like not having people ask me if I have my Sanity License handy, tyvm. And none of those laws that you listed are ‘nonsense.’
A mental exam for drivers license would almost certainly be circumvented by stable people getting licensed and using their cell phones behind the wheel.
@Nullo, Sanity card! Hmm, sounds like a winner. LOL
@Woodcutter , Maybe we should add a common sense test as well.(You ask for their phone number and someone calls them as you see them drive off. If they answer, you tell them they forgot something at DMV and you snatch the license back.)
I have to go to bed. I’ll read any other comments tomorrow. Have a good night
@woodcutter I feel your pain expressed here. I have osteoarthritis that is usually pretty tame but when it flares up, can cause debilitating back pain. Same issues impacting me. But lord knows we have to make sure people out to kill themselves illegally using prescription drugs are kept safe despite themselves.
@ETpro I think they should just leave the efficacy of these drugs alone and let the druggies take their chances like the rest of us who get behind the wheel and go to work…at a job that these low life’s apparently don’t have. Again, natural selection at work.
Most laws probably come from people who lack imagination. They don’t understand that their precious rule can be bypassed.
- What? you want to buy a lock picking set but are not a registered lock smith, sorry I can’t sell you one. Hu? crowbars? yea sure, isle 6.
- You want birth control pills for your SO? sorry, she will have to come in personally so you can’t use them to give her a stealth abortion. You want to buy a large cocktail of other stuff that would no doubt kill or cause a failed pregnancy? right this way.
- You want to board an aircraft without a pat-down or scanners? sorry no can do, you could be a terrorist. Hu? no we are not going to check inside you anus for small canisters of deadly nerve gas, why you ask?.
@poisonedantidote if a terrorist is discovered sneaking a bomb inside his ass I can only imagine what the legitimate air travelers will have to go through after. Maybe at least they will use MD’s so it can double as a free prostate exam but I don’t know what the ladies will get out of it but a finger in their ass. Hope they don’t do it dry.
Upon reflection, I did not properly work those statistics. 10,000 victims suggests 10,000 murderers, but this may not actually be the case. The general idea should still work, though.
@poisonedantidote It comes from thinking that the way to get people to obey the law is to make more laws for them to obey, and effectively increasing the penalty if caught.. Hate crime laws fall in here.
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