Social Question

How secure do you feel where you live?
I was looking something up for a friend, yesterday, and I came across this graph (I censored to protect my anonymity), and my heart sunk. This is where I live. It isn’t as if I don’t know that this area has a reputation, and has earned it, but seeing that image shocked me.
Moving isn’t an option, anytime soon, but I often feel that living here is destroying my life – and putting me at risk of becoming a victim of violent crime. I think that this is something that commonly weighs on the minds of everyone who lives here, because it is in our face, and as a result many, many people have moved away. I have lived here all of my life, so I’m not sure that I know what it is like to feel safe and secure in my hometown.
Do you feel safe where you live? Does crime cross your mind infrequently? Have you ever lived in an area where you did feel insecure or feared for your safety?
Do you lock your doors at night?