Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - How often do you change the style of your skillful execution?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) July 31st, 2012

Guys and gals, specifically those in an exclusive relationship, do you negotiate with your partner prior to your lovemaking as to how you are going to go about it? Do it wild? Slow?

Or do you just have the same approach, done over and over again and you’re quite content with that? Has no one ever surprised you anymore?

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9 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

It’s different all the time, but we never talk about it. We just improvise. We are attentive to each other’s desires. We have our ways, but they are just a starting point. We have no idea where we will go, nor what will happen, until we find ourselves there.

flutherother's avatar

No, it didn’t change very much. Each time felt like the first time.

mambo's avatar

My boyfriend and I change it up all the time. We are constantly researching new things to try.

Ron_C's avatar

I’m 65, we negiotiate” if ” and “can you? Then we hope that nothing gets strained or falls off.

josie's avatar

My girlfriend is a Middle Eastern Arab, a culture that values sexual repression of one level or another in females.
Most of the “change ups” you describe are dictated by her, as she gets incrementally more comfortable with the whole idea. To her credit, she is doing her best, and doing it well.
It’s all good.
I am a patient guy.

blueiiznh's avatar

While I do believe in the death penalty, I really have never executed anyone, skillful or not.

The Penal execution code in most…......

ooops….sorry, it’s penile execution and not penal execution. Nevermind!

gailcalled's avatar

I just stumbled on this and had a very refreshing laugh.

“I’m 65, we negiotiate” if ” and “can you? Then we hope that nothing gets strained or falls off.”

gailcalled's avatar

I meant to PM that to @Ron. C.

Ron_C's avatar

Glad you enjoyed it @gailcalled

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