@ucme…You attacked the Americans…and that was okay? Not okay. Here is what you wrote: Yeah she’s clean, just another example of the US being sore losers. Then, in your second posting, you attacked me.
That was typically a very nasty thing to say about “all Americans”. The Brits love taking potshots at Americans, because it’s the only group on earth that it is “politically correct” to lampoon. Not at all in the interest of “fair play” is it? You said “the US” the whole of the United States…are sore losers. Well, let me remind you that these “sore losers” came to the aid of GB when it was in its darkest hour. The Americans may be ridiculous and cliched and OTT, but most (most not all) love, love, love (crazily love and stupidly love) the British and many Brits (like you, not all Brits) deride them behind their backs constantly. That’s the dirty little secret that most Americans do not know.
If one American coach said that…that was not ALL AMERICANS. Not ALL Americans are sore losers. And there was nothing that I said that came close to a diatribe. You just threw a very nasty volley to ALL AMERICANS….then you backpedalled and mentioned “one American coach”. Nice, eh? So , it was one American coach right?
And by the way…you attacked me, too. I didn’t write what I said against you, I was defending Americans. Cliched? Funny how saying nice things about Michael Phelps and the American spirit is considered “cliched” by you. Being eye-rolling rude toward Americans is what? Oh, wait, it must be clever. (Uh, hardly.)
One coach on the American team…is not all the population of the US.
I am not coming back to this thread…I like playing fair and being nice…as cliched as that may seem to you. Now, I am going to have my cliched tea and watch the cliched Olympics and read my cliched British novels and live my cliched British country life in my cliched British country house and cheer “with great cliche” the British teams and the American teams…and the many underdogs who overcome great obstacles to be where they are in the Games…from every team.
(Now this was closer to a diatribe and I deliver it with relish.)
Lurve coming to all (almost all) and I am out of here.
Thanks (to everyone else) for your comments.