General Question

_Whitetigress's avatar

Know of a website that describes in full detail what exact injury a pro athlete has suffered?

Asked by _Whitetigress (4378points) July 31st, 2012

Or a website that accurately describes exactly what the surgeons had to repair in a particular athlete?

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6 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

No, and with HIPAA laws what they are I doubt you will find one inside the USA. Unless it is the athlete that posts the information.

_Whitetigress's avatar

@WestRiverrat Well something more along the lines of this video pertaining to Peyton Manning’s latest injury.

Trillian's avatar

Ask yourself if you would want random strangers having access to you personal business. Medical or otherwise. Would your reaction be that it’s no one’s business if you aren’t in a relationship with that person?

augustlan's avatar

I doubt such a site exists. You might be able to find information on a specific athlete’s injuries, by going to a site dedicated to that athlete, though.

_Whitetigress's avatar

@Trillian I understand what you’re getting at. I think the rules are slightly bent for public athletes though. I mean for instance, Adrian Peterson blew out his ACL and it’s no secret. It’s in the injury report that is also handed out to the public. I’m really just looking for a site that would go into detail of saying the said injury and how they are usually fixed, similar to the video I posted to @WestRiverrat something general in that sense. @augustlan Yes that’s how I’ve researched injuries in the past with players. For instance Shawne Merriman injured his MCL and ACL. Found a report written in the Union Tribune (SD Newspaper) that described the injury and told what was essentially damaged. It was a good read. Man if all these injuries were on one site, it would satisfy my curiosity as it pertains to the human anatomy and the life struggles these athletes go through. I’ll keep looking.

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