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simone54's avatar

What do they say for Army time if it's 12:30 AM?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) June 2nd, 2008
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16 Answers

wildflower's avatar

0030 (dubble-oh-thirty-hours) I think – similar to 24hr clock: 00:30

simone54's avatar

Thanks that is what I was looking for, wildflower.

DeezerQueue's avatar

Wildflower is correct. Here’s a link from to military time (pdf). Or oh-one-forty for 1.40 pm (1340).

iwamoto's avatar

it’s so funny, to you americans it’s military time, to me it’s just…regular time, it even takes me longer to read the AM/PM notation than the military time

Alina1235's avatar

grew up in Russia. I still think in military time :)

jonno's avatar

Additionally, while midnight is usually expressed as 00:00, it is sometimes expressed as 24:00 when it refers to the midnight at the end of a day (and 00:00 when it’s midnight at the start of a day).

So a shop might say it is open from 07:00 to 24:00 on Mondays, even though it could say it’s open from 00:00 to 21:00 on Wednesdays. If it’s open all day on Fridays, it might say it’s open from 00:00 to 24:00.

Just wondering, is “army time” just what Americans call the 24 hour clock, or are there differences between the two?

mcbealer's avatar

@ jonno ~ I’ve actually only heard it referred to as military time

wildflower's avatar

I think the reason the US refer to it as Military Time rather than 24hr clock is just because that’s better known over there.
The opposite would be the case on this side of the pond.

mcbealer's avatar

@ wildflower ~ I think you’re right. BTW I just checked the general settings on my iPhone and the option is called 24 hour time.

DeezerQueue's avatar

@iwamoto Not all Americans refer to it as “military time,” there are many who do call it 24 hour time.

In contrast, I find telling time in Dutch to be rather convoluted. Instead of saying 10:40, “ten forty” or “twenty to eleven” the Dutch say “ten over half eleven.”

iwamoto's avatar

yeah, it can be a little confusing, but then again, in germany i would say “zehn nach halb zehn” so ten past half ten as well

oh well, as dr. kawashima would say “converting time telling in different languages activates the frontal cortex”

DeezerQueue's avatar

@iwamoto While it’s no longer confusing, I do still find it somewhat convoluted, and am aware that they do it in Germany as well. I was trying to illustrate that sometimes it’s not necessary to find only Americans peculiar in their ways.

That aside, it is still an exercise for me with currency. I know that it’s also done similarly in other countries, but getting used to placing the last digit before the first digit I find myself having to think about. Liever pinnen.

wildflower's avatar

I feel your pain DeezerQueue!
Faroese: Use the “ten past half eleven”, “ten forty” as well as “twenty to eleven”. Also use both “two-and-thirty” as well as “thirty two”
Danish: Use “ten forty” or “twenty to eleven” and “two-and-thirty”
Swedish: Use “ten forty” or “twenty to eleven” and “thirty two”

I do suffer from a slight case of language confusion at times…..

MissAnthrope's avatar

The hardest thing for me to learn while living in France was numbers (I mean, 78 is soixante-dix-huite, or sixty-eighteen.. what’s up with that?) and the time.. I think “20 to 11” is easy to understand, but more confusing when you say “onze moins vent” (11 minus 20). Make me do math??

I will say, though, living in Europe habituated me to 24 hour time really well. I found an easy way when you’re not used to it and have to quickly figure out what time someone is talking about, just subtract 12 (hours) from the number they gave you.

GD_Kimble's avatar

When spoken, it’s “zero thirty”, or “o thirty”.

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