General Question

occ's avatar

What is the very best waterproof mascara?

Asked by occ (4182points) August 5th, 2012

I usually find I can’t wear mascara to emotional events like weddings. Is there a really excellent waterproof mascara that really won’t run?

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6 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Planning to attend a wedding in the near future?

Skip the mascara. You are beautiful without it.

None of the men we know and love bother with eye make-up. Why should we?

Bellatrix's avatar

You could have your eyelashes dyed. You won’t get the thickness mascara provides but your eyelashes will be dark. Or wear false eyelashes? I have never worn them so I have no idea how easy they are to put in or wear.

jca's avatar

I always like Loreal. It’s not too expensive, and it is not clumpy. It makes my lashes long like they should be.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I use Maybelline Full N’ Soft waterproof every day and it’s never come off for me.

morningmomo's avatar

I really liked L’Oreal Voluminous – Waterproof mascara. It didn’t flake or clump my eyelashes together, and you can build it up for a really full eyelash effect. You can find this at pretty much any drugstore or Wal-Mart location.

Taciturnu's avatar

A little on the pricier side, but Lancome’s Hypnose Drama. They have a waterproof version that I’ve tried. Virtually impossoble to get off without make up remover. :-)

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