When was the last time you were a victim of a freak accident?
I have a glass picture frame. It’s completely made of very heavy, very thick glass. Nothing comes apart. You slip the picture in a glass slot in the back. It holds an 8 X 10 picture, and the frame around it is about four inches wide and has flowers cut into it. the frame is about ½ an inch thick. Sucker is HEAVY. Think “giant paper weight.” It must weigh 3 pounds. The only way to break it would be with a hammer.
Well, it sets on the top of a 4 foot shelf outside the door to the bedroom. I got up in the middle of the night on Friday (today is Sunday) to go do things that people wake up in the middle of the night to go do. I was coming back to bed, it was dark, my eyes were half closed because I was still half asleep…and I managed to knock that 3 pound picture frame off of the shelf and it slammed, edge on onto my foot, right above the instep…at the most tender part of the foot!
I crawled back in bed thinking “I might be going to the ER in the morning.” (But I didn’t.)
It hurts like hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bone was cracked.
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34 Answers
Ouch, if it’s hurting tommorrow see your Dr. Broken bones in the foot are bad news.
Because your feet carry a heavy load, breaks in there can be a huge problem.
I don’t think it’s broken. May be cracked. I figure I’ll just stay off of it as best I can. It really doesn’t hurt too much. I can even put some weight on it. It’s just swollen and I’m REALLY aware of it because I know that if I bang it on something I’ll go down screaming. I accidentally rested the vacuum cleaner cord on it and it HURT!
I would think it would hurt a LOT more if it was. I mean, the bones would be rubbing together! But I’ll keep you posted, @downtide. Thanks for the concern. :)
In May of 2004, I was on my deck, in the dark, wearing flip flops and looking up at the heavens with heavy binocs for a comet.
I apparently slipped and fell down the five steps to the flag stone and knocked myself unconscious. At three in the morning I woke up in bed, covered with blood and in severe distress…with no memory of how I had gotten there.
I spent 6 days in hospital…3 in ICU, and discovered that I had broken 2 ribs, torn my rotator cuff, given myself a subdural hematoma, had enough bruises to be interviewed by the police and a hospital psychiatrist, and destroyed the littlest bone in the body…the stapes in the ear.
Over the next 18 months, I had three surgeries to try to implant a titanium stapes prosthesis, with no success. So I now wear a hearing aid in that ear.
Back on-topic, the worst accident I was in was around 1992, when I fell down a flight of concrete steps in the rain. I slipped, and bounced on my bum on every single step from the top to the bottom. Once at the bottom I was in agony and I found that I couldn’t stand up or even move my legs at all. I was terrified that I’d broken my back…
…well in theory I did but it was just a fracture of the lowest sacral vertebra, and once the shock wore off I was back on my feet again in a couple of hours. It hurt to sit down for a week afterwards though.
Last night I drove 90 miles to have oysters on the half shell at the gulf coast favorite restaurant of mine. I walked in alone and a breaker blew and the place was then filled with smoke… I drove around for an hour thinking, only me would this happen to. In the mean time I had 2 red cats cross my path and a possum… I returned to the restauant determined to have my raw oysters and finally got my wish and then returned home. Thankfully, I made it home safe and sound. surprise surprise
Hope your foot is better!
@gravity So YOU’RE the one who knocks out all all the street light when you drive by!
In May of this year. As I walked through our front door, the outer screen snap against one of my feet. I knew it just didn’t scratch me so I set down my handbag, pulled the screen and inner doors closed and then looked down at the damage. The screen had stabbed into the inner part of my foot near the heel and a big chunk of skin was hanging out. As soon as I took a closer look then it began to bleed, literally seeped out and puddled around my foot and sandal. I should’ve gotten stitches but being chicken of E.R.‘s, I worked on it at home and it’s just barely healing. Stupid move.
Not stupid, @Neizvestnaya! Stitches are usually for cosmetic reasons.
During rather vigorous sex about 20 years ago I tore my frenulm of prepuce of penis (ie the bit of skin between the foreskin and the glans). Hilariously, this tiny inconsequential piece of skin is both well supplied with nerves and the proud owner of a ridiculously large artery resulting in both extreme pain and enough blood that the ambulance man nearly fainted (fortunately the other crew memeber was a woman who was less bothered about seeing mutilated male genital organs).
@Dutchess111 Ow! That happened to my ex husband once, I laughed, I wouldn’t laugh at your pain. lol oops, I just did ;-p
@gailcalled Jesus mercy….what a tale.
@Lightlyseared Well..I always thought you were a woman, haha….nix that assumption now. Wowee wow….0-O
I’ve had a few but the best was a long time ago.
My daughter was in kindergarten and I was finishing up some laundry before I had to pick her up at the school bus one afternoon.
I removed the lint trap on the dryer and there was a ball of lint down inside so squeezed my arm into the slot to get it out and, yep, got my arm stuck at the midway point between my wrist and elbow.
I couldn’t believe it, I was REALLY stuck!
I was sitting on the laundry room floor and the phone was across the room, I had about 4 minutes before I would miss the school bus. I struggled and struggled and seriously thought I was not going to get my arm out, but finally I did! Made the bus in seconds flat. lol
Another time I was home alone and sitting out in my yard when my little germen shepherd dog “Timber” jumped up on the back of my slotted plastic chair and her paw went down the slot sideways and then turned, leaving her stuck!
I tried dish soap and could not get her paw out of the chair slot, she was panicking and starting to try to bite me in her upset. My neighbor was home and he came over and cut the chair off her foot with a hacksaw!
@Coloma: I had to read the last half of the last sentence twice.
Whatever happened to me and how I got myself back to bed (up a flight of stairs) will forever be a mystery.
I was in such pain when I came to that I was barely able to hobble to the car when my sis drove me to the ER.
@Dutchess_III: If I’d braved the stitches then the deep gash would have healed faster, I still have to wear a bandaid because the scabbing isn’t ready to fall off.
I drove a tenpenny nail through the palm of my hand. My son and another little boy hammered the nail through a scrap piece of lumber and into my picnic table bench seat. I took the hammer, and with my knee holding me on the bench, I pulled the nail and lumber out of the bench. At the exact millisecond the board, with the nail intact, came out of the bench, I lost my balance. The board with the nail flipped up, up, up and down, down down just as the palm of my hand hit the ground to catch myself.
I stood up with the board and nail hammered into the palm of my hand. I calmly pulled it out and blood spurted, like a cartoon, straight into the air with every beat of my heart. The neighborhood children were hysterical. LOL Good times.
Did you at least get a tetanus shot?
I was under the care of a surgeon for about a month. Fortunately I didn’t have to have surgery. He just dressed the wounds and kept an eye on how it healed.
EDIT: Blood pooled in my hand. My hand looked deformed for a little while after that accident.
KMA @Rarebear!
@Coloma Well, my son got stuck in a mailbox once. Had to call EMS. This is a true story.
Many years ago, my then-husband was building a deck. He asked me to stand on a piece of deck flooring that was sitting on top of the deck frame, but not yet nailed in place, while he cut off the over-hanging end with a circular saw. So, with my back facing the edge of the deck, I’m standing there, and then I take a step backward… onto the over-hanging end. Just like in a cartoon, the end I was standing on went down, and the other end rushed up to hit me. I fell off and landed straddling the top of the circular saw in his hands. It all happened in about 2 seconds flat. It hurt so bad, but it was also hilarious. We were both laughing so hard through my tears. The insides of my legs were bruised for weeks. I am still so thankful I didn’t hit the blade of the saw!
Really Auggie!
Update…my foot is much, MUCH better today. Last night was the worst. It really swelled up bad. Hm. Could be all the walking around the fair and walking around Walmart (Val is a dumbass,) I did. So last evening I finally did what I should have done in the first place. I propped it up and put ice on it. A thousand times better today.
It is a wonder any of us are alive. ~
I once worked in an ER (well A&E, but same difference) and I am telling you the only thing keeping the human race going is blind dumb luck. Also the majority of people seem to require adult supervision when performing even the most mundane of tasks.
Yeah…like opening a window. Suddenly, your back is gone!!
Well, what’s a real wonder is this left handed, right brained blonde and never having a major accident in 35 years. Somebody up there likes me. lol
” Oooh, look at that beautiful tree!” Coloma drives off the cliff.
@Coloma: My maternal grandmother, wherever she is, is making the sign of the evil eye and telling you, in Yiddish, to stop bringing that to someone’s attention. You don’t ever want anyone important to notice you.
Wood, @Coloma! Knock on WOOD! Not your HEAD!!
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