Never had an ‘astral projection’ other than I incident of the classic rising out of the body and floating above my bed when I was a child. Only ever had that the once.
1 other incident I had many many years later when I lived in a downstairs flat (apartment).
I was lying in bed in the morning after just waking up, but was still lethargic (but definitely awake) after a few minutes of lying there, though I could still feel my whole body, the sensation of touch was lost, that is to say I could not feel the bed or the covers of the bed, a very short time after this sensation occurred, I started to get a sinking sensation and I was aware that I was sinking through the bed.
The sensation continued until I hit the floor, but instead of hitting the floor I carried on through the floor which oddly became the ceiling of the bedroom I was in, I carried on sinking until I landed back on the floor of the bedroom just next to the bed. Now you may be asking, how did I know I was sinking through the bed, floor and ceiling with no touch sensation and my eyes closed, and the only answer to that is, close your eyes and visualise any object of your choosing, you can’t see the object, yet somehow in your minds eye you can. Anyway, after hitting the floor I opened my eyes and stood up.
I remember thinking if this is a dream it’s pretty f#$kin real!..... though I don’t recal if I saw myself, I do remember seeing my wife laying in it. Unfortunately for me, I sleep in the buff (birthday suit!), and that’s how I was in the bedroom!
So anyway, I decided I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity and decided I was going to try and make my way through the flat to the front door and go outside, hell, if it was a dream, I been naked before, and if it was an astral projection, I was just hoping that nobody could see me. I made my way to the front door and opened it, and walking down the street about 30 meters away there was a woman walking in the direction of my flat as looked at her she spotted me, and just as I was thinking ‘SH1T…..I’m naked’ I was instantly back in the bed and opened my eyes.
To this day (10 years on) I still haven’t told the wife about the incident.
I can’t say for definite is was astral projection, but it was the most vivid lucid dream I’ve ever had, if that’s what it was. It would be easy to dismiss it as a dream as an outsider, which is fine, and I can’t prove it wasn’t. But, the only way to persuade a skeptic on issues like this, is for them to experience it for themselves, its a very personal experience, and one that probably can’t be induced.
EDIT – A closed mind will never experience anything external of its paradigms boundaries.