(NSFW) How many jellies had NSFW fun after prom?
One of the cultural myths of high school is that nearly everyone has sex on prom night. First date? No problem. Partner wants to wait? This is the night they’ve been waiting for. Just going as friends? It’s friends with benefits now! The only things that can stop you are being forced to take your cousin or passing out drunk first.
How did your own high school experience compare to the prom night mythos? I’ll go first. I was on my first date that night with a girl from another school, and we most definitely did not have sex. We didn’t have sex the following week when we attended her prom either. This was junior prom, by the way, not senior prom.
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24 Answers
I got laid on prom night. But I also got some action the night before too.
Well, in my day, it was called “the prom” and yes, I did – depending on what exactly you consider “sex” – but it was with a long-standing boyfriend and not because it was prom night. (Jeez – did I really just say “in my day” – crikey, I am old!)
Eh, I had sex almost every day back then anyway. I had a steady boyfriend. We dated for years.
Like @janbb, I had been dating my prom date for over a year, and we had already been intimate. I honestly don’t remember if we had sex on prom night—but it would have been nothing “special” either way. We continued to date for five more years and then married, BTW.
My steady beau had gone to Europe for the summer, so I went to the prom with a good friend.
That made things simple. No expectations, no pressure, (and no contraception in those days either).
.It was fine but certainly not memorable.
Discussing condoms was considered something “nice’’ girls didn’t do…talk about “in my day,” also.
No, but I went with a friend, not an actual date. I wasn’t a virgin, so there wouldn’t have been anything special about it, anyhow.
@janbb: I laughed when I read what you wrote, because when I was in high school, it was “The Prom” too, not “Prom.”
I didn’t go to the prom. I had a boyfriend, but I had no money, he had no money and I wasn’t going to ask my parents for money.
Does getting it just before the prom count-?
Our school didn’t even have prom. The concept didn’t catch on in the UK until nearly a generation after I left school. That said, the first time I got laid was right after the college Freshers year Christmas party…
I didn’t go to my prom so that would be a big “No.”
In my day, it wasn’t a required activity; so, no.
Not me. I was still a virgin and though my bf & I had considered doing it on prom night, he started acting like such a dork that I changed my mind and we broke up afterwards. I assumed most couples going to prom were going to have sex that night. Lots of kids rented hotel rooms somehow and would party for a few days but in my circle we didn’t have parents who would have allowed anything like that.
Considering I didn’t get my v-card swiped until ⅔ of the way through college, that would be a no.
Lol I never even attended prom. got some way before that though, so fuck it lol
I went to prom with my gay friend and my group went out for ice cream afterwards…suffice to say, no. The drunk people at the 24-hour pizza/pretzel/ice cream shop and bar probably got into a lot more trouble than we did. We stayed out until 2 or 3 in the morning, though, and had a really good time. We were all good kids so our parents really didn’t mind letting us stay out that late, though a few kids left earlier in the night. The idea that all kids party and have drunk sex after prom has really become less true in recent years, at least in my school. Sure, it happens, but not much to people who don’t party on a regular basis.
Mine consisted of doing hot knives, drinking Jack Daniels and apple juice, and getting it on.
After the prom party was done, my friends put me in a cab, and then cabbie helped me out of the cab when I got to my parent’s house. I staggered to their backyard where there were glowing embers – remnants of my parent’s fire (pit) that night. I then proceeded to burn around 5 marshmallows on a wire coat hanger. I burnt them to a crisp, as I was swaying towards and away from the fire.
Not long after I inhaled the burnt marshmallows, everything came up. The “Apple Jacks” and the burnt marshmallows.
I was sick as a dog. Next morning, my Mom burst into my bedroom with a vacuum in tow. No sympathy for me. She vacuumed around my bed and told me that I got what I deserved. Hahaha
Not after either prom. Guess I missed the memo?
@Mama_Cakes What is (are?) “hot knives”? Do I really want to know?
I didn’t go to my prom (I had already left school), but I went to the homecoming dance in my senior year with my long-term boyfriend. And yes, we did.
@augustlan :: I assume hot knife hits. You get some butter knives hot on the stove and use them to burn weed and then inhale the output with a two liter bottle with the bottom cut off.
I always found this method really harsh on the lungs.
JP is right. We used hash.
I learn something new every day.
@hot knives I’ve done that with hash too. And yeah, sure gives a mean coughing fit.
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