Social Question

AnonymousWoman's avatar

How safe do you believe your home is for your child(ren) as opposed to other people's homes?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) August 7th, 2012

What are your reasons?

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12 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

My house is terrible – way worse than average. There are open wall sockets, unprotected stairs, firearms, plugged in electric tools, cord hazards. Yikes. Good thing toddlers don’t visit often.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Bad. I don’t have kids and kids rarely visit. So it’s set up for adults.

wundayatta's avatar

Children of what age? My kids are teenagers, and I think my home is pretty safe. So are many other homes.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I should add my children are adults. I don’t lock up the liquor cabinet or the ammo.

ucme's avatar

Our home is very safe, because it has me in it.

TexasDude's avatar

Really unsafe. I’ve got swords, breakable (and heavy) antiques, glass stuff, guns, liquor, heavy artwork, toxic paint and art supplies, toxic antique restoration supplies, and lots of other stuff strewn about all over the place. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have kids and that kids never come here.

zenvelo's avatar

When my kids were little, my home was much safer than either grandparents. My mother complained about how complicated our house was, until I reminded her that my sister drank bleach when she was two, and that knelt on a broken Coca Cola bottle when I was 18 months and almost lost my leg, and my younger brother has a scar on his forehead from a sharp furniture corner.

She said, “well I guess if you feel it’s necessary….”

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Your comment gave me a laugh. Yeah, a house can be pretty bad. Imagine what a kid can do with an entire farm. I was the first male child and boy did I find stuff. I drank the pipeline cleaner acid, sliced the hell out of my head on a radiator, faceful of gasoline filling an engine, etc just to name a few.

TexasDude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, hey and you turned out alright too, didn’t you? ;-)

YARNLADY's avatar

I would not leave children unattended in my house, except in the playroom, which is child ready.

JLeslie's avatar

At this very moment, not safe for young children, but it would take me about 30 minutes to make it reasonably safe. I have a package of electric outlet plug thingies for when young children visit that I can put in outlets throughout the first floor. I would have to move cleaning sprays up from underneath the kitchen sink, laundry sink, and I have a couple things under my bathroom sink I would just move to the laundry room. I also have medications in easy reach that would need to be moved higher. Lastly, I would block the stairs so they could not climb up them. I can completely block them, I use it in the winter time to not have to heat the upstairs.

I have very few sharp corners, especially at low heights. No square coffee tables, nothing like that.

If someone visits with children for a few hours I would not do any of these things, assuming the child would always be within our sight. When people visit over night I take the precautions.

augustlan's avatar

Since my kids are all teenagers, my home is no longer safe for young children. When our grandkids visit, they are supervised at all times.

When my children were little, our house was safety-proofed to the nines, and was very safe. I actually forbid my kids to play at one of our neighbor’s houses because it was so unsafe, even though they had three little kids, too. They had plugged in power tools laying around, loose nails on the floor, all sorts of unsafe shit… they were finishing their basement, and they let the kids play down there. Without supervision! It still pisses me off, all these years later. Hmph. I may be a tad overprotective. A tad.

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