Social Question

AnonymousWoman's avatar

What do you completely embrace that you have had trouble embracing before?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) August 7th, 2012

For example…

Maybe you grew up believing something was wrong, but don’t believe that to be the case anymore.

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9 Answers

Fly's avatar

When I was younger, I was 100% against testing on animals. As I have gotten older, though, I have come to see it as a necessary evil in order to make scientific advances and to ensure product safety for humans.

Mariah's avatar

Definitely the biggest one for me is this: victimless behavior is morally neutral.

For some reason, when I was younger, I had a lot of hate welled up inside me. I thought drug use and promiscuity were reprehensible. I disliked people for behaving in a way that bothered me. I can’t understand my former headspace at all anymore. I now give zero fucks what you do as long as you’re not hurting anybody else.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Fly That’s a little ironic. I’ve gone from totally supporting animal testing to not supporting it in almost all cases. If it’s a brand new revolutionary product or drug okay. But in almost all other cases no.

tups's avatar

Very recently the weather. There’s nothing we can do about it anyway, so it’s really a foolish thing to be sad/worried/annoyed because of the weather (okay, natural disasters and stuff is an exception). Now I’m trying to embrace any kind of weather and not think that much about it.

ucme's avatar

My Aunt Sheila, she’s lost so much weight…...big hug!

Sunny2's avatar

Life is what it is. You don’t have control over everything that happens to you.

Paradox25's avatar

Man, there is a couple, but I’ll just mention one here. I’m not such an antagonist when it comes to the use of mild drugs anymore, but I’m a bit more of one when it comes to alcohol use (It used to be the other way around for me at one time). Alcohol related deaths in your family will do that to you.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Equal rights for homosexuals.

I was taught that it was wrong, grew up believing that, then changed when I grew up. I’m all for it, and wish my gay friends could get married and have all the same benefits of marriage that the straights do.

Berserker's avatar

Running zombies. I was appalled that the classic zombie formula could be changed so drastically, and for many nerdy reasons, I believed that running zombies just shouldn’t be. This dismissal didn’t last long at all though…it’s pretty hard for me not to like any kind of zombie.

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