Social Question

Pandora's avatar

So what positive stuff has happened today?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) August 9th, 2012

I started watching a movie today that has dimmed all joy out of me today and I’m looking for some up lifting news from anyone. I need to be reminded that there are good people in the world.
I need some good old fashion fluther humor.

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19 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I watched the American women’s soccer team defeat the Japanese team for the Olympic gold medal. That made me happy.

Aster's avatar

Well, for the joy of the jellies, O’Bama is ahead in the polls ! Fall will be here in a couple months. People are buying up houses in Ohio. And the constant earthquakes in Yorba Linda, California are 4’s at the worst.
That help?

tedibear's avatar

I got the offer for a new job that I start on August 27th. :D

Now may I suggest that you watch a funny movie to counteract the joy removing one?

Pandora's avatar

@tedibear Yeah! That is good news. I’m happy for you. Hope its everything you want. I would watch a funny movie but the first one keeps popping in my head.

Bellatrix's avatar

My dog (he is 10) had a tick and we woke up to him not being able to walk properly. We searched him for ticks but couldn’t find one on him and it turned out it was in his eyebrow. He is a very furry dog. The vet is very confident he will be fine though. So he is now sedated and spending a day with the vet. So I am thinking very positively about this.

tedibear's avatar

I’m sure your dog will be fine, Bellatrix! You caught the issue and took care of him.

@Pandora – Not even “Animal House” or “The Blue Brothers”? Dang, that’s some kind of sad!

Pandora's avatar

@tedibear I was watching a true story. “The Machine Gun Preacher” In the first 5 minutes. My heart and soul was smashed to pieces. I know these things happen but I try not to dwell on it. I just fall to pieces over cruelty to children.

ucme's avatar

Team GB continue to collect medals, most of them of the golden variety, in record numbers.
This may or may not mean a great deal to you, but it’s certainly positive with a capital P :¬)

wundayatta's avatar

Congratulations, @ucme! And congrats to all Brits, for that matter!

NuclearWessels's avatar

Some feelin’ good stories for today:





marinelife's avatar

I got another work assignment from a client.

It rained in our drought-stricken region.

JLeslie's avatar

I had a good day overall. Zumba class with music I liked.

Then lunch with a friend at a restaurant I had not been to before. The food was very good.

Then to the international market where I bought the best tomatillos I have seen in a long time, our favorite tortillas this side of the Rio Grande, and Goya frozen Arepas con queso.

Around 5:30 friends stopped by to return something they had borrowed and I gabbed with the wife for an hour I think? Time got away from us. During that time the temperature dropped a little and there was actually a coolish breeze every so often. Nice after weeks of 100 degree weather.

Later that evening my husband did some work on his computer for a few minutes (which is very rare for him to do that at home) and then he started watching kittens on youtube. LOL. We cracked up and smiled watching kittens do funny cute things.

Next we watched Big Brother, which was good, and joked around like best friends in 5th grade. Also, watched a little Olympic diving.

Yeah, it was a good day.

Haleth's avatar

My backspace key was stuck, so every time I tried to type the cursor would scroll back through the text and mess up everything I wrote. It’s fixed now! Normal internet surfing has never felt so good. \0/

I just discovered a wine that tastes like fresh peaches. It’s awesome.

augustlan's avatar

We had pizza (and beer!) delivered tonight. Beer! Delivered!

psyonicpanda's avatar

today I found out what that weird smell was….you know….that weird smell we all smell. It turns out it was just me. so I took my jellyself to the shower.

ucme's avatar

Cheers @wundayatta you’re a good sort really ;¬}

Pandora's avatar

@Haleth Ohh! What wine was it? I would like to try it.

Eggie's avatar

Today was my last class for the degree course that I am doing. We had pizza, chocolate cake and sodas. To top that off, my instructor told me that I got a B+ for the course. No more assignments, classes and studying for the while. Hoorayyy!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

Well done @Eggie. What a nice feeling.

For me, it wasn’t today, but Kleenex enriched their tissues with aloe vera. Today, I am thankful for that.

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