NSFW How's it hangin'?
Ok, I’m having a perverted curiosity moment here. Please excuse…
It’s a little surprising that I could reach my present age (don’t ask) and still have to wonder about this, but so it is. I guess it’s because it falls into the category of things you’re not supposed to think about if you’re a “nice” girl….(well, I am a nice girl, but I’m plenty naughty too.)
Inspired by my subway trip home today:
I was staring ahead of me and this guy who was standing over me, well, I couldn’t help but notice his crotch because it was right in my face.His cock seemed to be hanging awfully low yet off to one side….and, I guess it was a little on the large side, but not huge or anything.Hmmm, I thought to myself,why’s it hangin’ so low? I mean, if he had briefs on they would hug that sucker tight to his torso, wouldn’t they? But if he has boxers on wouldn’t it just hang straight down between his legs. Is there some sort of penis calculus involved determined by tightness of underwear + tightness of pants + size of one’s member?
So guys (and girls if you want to have your 2 cents) how does that underwear thing work when it comes to keeping you all snug and tucked in or all loose and dangling? Elaborate at will.
Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question. Inquiring minds, you know, want to know…
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112 Answers
Depends more on the slacks than the underwear. Loved your question.
I’m not capable of answering this because I have a small wang. Lol.
That guy just had a huge wang so he was wearing loose underwear and it had no choice but to hang.
You are right in assuming that briefs will cause a man’s penis to be snug, but there are many different types of briefs these days. Some are made specifically to push a man’s penis and balls forward, showing it to its full advantage.
There are different types of boxers, too. There are the loose fitting ones that would allow for more room to move and grant more air flow. There are boxers that are made out of the same type of fabric as traditional briefs, and they work the same way as briefs, keeping the things supported and held up against the rest of the body.
Pants play an important role. Jeans will be tighter and show a package. Slacks are looser and show less, unless there’s a lot to show.
Great question.
Having worn briefs all my life, it tends not to hang all that much. I can’t say I ever showed much. Certainly no one ever said anything. I would have been mortified if they did. For most of my life, I didn’t really think my penis was something to advertise. Now there’s really only one person I want to advertise it to, and you have no idea how much she appreciates it. Lucky me!
I will admit that when home alone, on occasion, I have stripped naked and played porn star in the mirror. This probably sounds hysterically funny, but no one except me was there to see, and I was having a grand time imagining myself as a hunk. With a nice piece. I especially liked how it hung when it was half hard. It gave off the impression, at such a time, that it might be somewhat big. Which, if you don’t take yourself very seriously, was a feeling I liked. If I were ever going to pose for nude pictures, that’s how my cock would hang for such pictures.
[Wundy fantasizes a little about fluffers]
fluffers, not fluffer nutters. I don’t like peanuts with sweet stuff]
[although, if the fluffer were to do a good job, she would probably be rewarded with some nice, sweet stuff]
It is after all, Friday night
I wear boxers, but they’re not super loose. I think people have the idea that most boxers are mega-loose and everything just “dangles”. That doesn’t really happen with me, and maybe it’s because my “junk” isn’t very big to begin with, but there’s a pretty significant difference between wearing the boxers I wear and going commando. There is some resistance, though certainly not nearly as much with boxer-briefs or briefs.
We are the army and we stay hard… and we go fuck in the neighbour’s yard… :D
@DominicX Hmmm, I can see that this is a more complicated situation than I had heretofore surmised. Thank you for elaborating! This is just great! I am enjoying this, really.
Oh wait, really, I realize that now I want to see just what type boxers we’re talking about. Purely for professional reasons, you know. I am a former lingerie designer. But I know very little about men’s “junk” and how it is held (or not held) in check, lol.
@MilkyWay It could also be hangin loose and full of juice.
@DominicX Aha! So that must be what he had on. Something like that. But i’m still curious abut why guys wear what they wear and how it feels. @Hawaii_Jake gave me a nice detailed answer.
Large balls and a grower leave nowhere to go but out.
I can’t find slacks with a 32 inch waist and 34 inch inseam. But I have two pair and you can tell which side I’m hanging on.
If you keep it close, there’s body heat, and that’s bad for sperm count. So they tell you to wear boxers if you want more sperm. I was given briefs as a youth, and that’s what I grew used to, and I’ve never changed. I tried boxers once or twice, but it felt a bit icky, because I tend to sweat, and I don’t like the sweat running loose.
However, I do like the idea of wearing boxers so as to create a bigger bulge when attempting to seduce a lover. Can’t tell you if it works, though.
@serenade Hmmm, what kind of underwear is best to deal with that situation? Or do you go commando?
@wundayatta Boxers create a bigger bulge?? I don’t think so! No I don’t think so at all. BTW I hate boxers unless they are tight fitting and that screws up the potnetial sperm benefits.
I wear boxer briefs anymore (see Louis C.K.). When I was in HS, I had to put the kibosh on Jockey brand briefs (with the “Y” front), because I’d inevitably slip out the front door. With boxers the most significant hazard is chafing.
I don’t really deal with the situation. Everybody else does.
@serenade Ha ha! I love it! It’s not really a problem for me. Fuck em if they can’t…well, you know what I mean….
I’m suddenly getting an urge to say Under the orange tree…
@Adirondackwannabe Not all men know what that means. Apparently you have been to a real tailor in your life. :)
Here’s the thing. As you get erect in briefs, there’s nowhere to go. But in boxers you can create a huge tent that implies there is much more inside than there probably is. Advertising, you see. Image management. Have you ever tried it?
@MilkyWay What happens under the orange tree, stays under the orange tree…
Oh dear me, no. You don’t understand the orange tree one bit if you think this would get such a dubious award.
I need to set up an award for good questions.
@Earthgirl I grew up on a farm, I know how to get dirty. I also know how to take care of the nicer things in life.
@Adirondackwannabe sounds very…uh, earthy. I like it. Earthy yet refined. The best of both worlds.
I just died laughing at Wundy’s response! (Wipes tear from eye)
@MilkyWay then maybe you can explain to me? Who said anything about awards? Is this man out of his mind?don’t answer that…
He’s not out of his mind, just busy under the orange tree…
@Earthgirl You don’t want to know some of the earthy.
^He forgot to finish his sentence…
@Adirondackwannabe Wait, oh wait please!! If this is the stuff of horror save it for Symbeline!
@MilkyWay Are you doing sentence completion now? Go for it.
@MilkyWay Complete my sentence for me. I’ll let you know how close you are.
Jeez, I think we have a chatroom here
@Earthgirl The orange tree is an award. It goes for questions of dubious value. This is not a question of dubious value. This is a very important question. Now people may think it is silly, but they don’t see the real depths of the opportunity for fun on this question. Fun is an incredible contribution to the community, and you have done a wonderful thing.
And I have an award for being out of my mind. Not a lot of people can say that, and even fewer would be proud of it. I am not, at the moment, worthy of the award, but it still hangs on my wall with pride.
I am, as it happens, hangin’ high right now and have been for many months. Go ahead and try to crush my balls. Not so easy on the internet, eh?
Seriously…uhhmmm, I mean really, seriously, this was a serious inquiry I had and I just don’t want to scare away people who wanted to answer my initial question. I need further, um, edification, ...I mesn it!
@Earthgirl Doll, thanks so much for asking this here question :P
@MilkyWay Your welcome. I am having fun with it. :)
I am still curious though.
I need further data.
@Earthgirl In that case, I shall take my leave. I had fun derailing your thread too haha! :P
@Earthgirl I’m gonna flag you’re ass for misspellings!
@MilkyWay No! NO! I didn’t mean that to scare you away! Have fun with it!
@MilkyWay By earthy I was thinking of a cow swinging her piss and crap soaked tail across my face. Yeah, that happens.
This is such a great party.
reminds me of the time I carried a bloody newborn calf in out of the field. Talk about yucky stuff getting in your face and hair. No one asked me how it was hangin’ then. I guess it was kind of obvious. ALthough I was a young buck back then.
@Earthgirl I won’t get flagged or booted. That was just life on the farm.
I will get flagged and booted. Just because.
oops, @MilkyWay is getting too tipsy. She posted twice
Soon she’ll go cow tipping
@MilkyWay I swear to you that your post with the cow was double! and now it’s not! I was not seeing things
@MilkyWay Oh crap you found my girlfriends page.
@Earthgirl NO I wasn’t. I was thinking about doilies and paper hearts.
ok. Really I was thinking about lemonade and kleenex.
@MilkyWay Never pull a punch with me. I want total honesty. I’m tough, I can take a lot.
@Adirondackwannabe I don’t wanna hurt nobody…
btw, you smell of cow shit and piss. Go have a shower. Now.
Are we off topic? Yes…. it’s ok though. I am the worst offender!
@Earthgirl Who woulda thunk we could go from cocks to cows so quickly?
Oh god lady. You get to me so much. I have to hit the hay.
It’s for thirty in the morning here, so I guess I should too…
See ya guys!
This will explain some of your consternation.
I can’t believe that some of the dudes in here shared their junk size. So glad that I popped in here. :D Interesting. Keep ‘em cumin’, boys. haha!
@ETpro I was thinking when i saw this question that I just basically asked the same thing lol!! Lots of man junk awareness this week aparently.
That’s cool, because I missed the first penis discussion. I wouldn’t have known, if not for this one.
@Ponderer983 Great point. And here I am trying to figure out how one pumps up deflated man junk at a time like this. Maybe it it the Olympics. There is a lot of lusty looking man junk thinly veiled under those tights.
Damnit, looks like I missed the party. Lol.
Also it’s not hanging, it’s dragging, long and loose, full of juice, big enough to fuck a moose.
I “go commando” which basically means my dick is free to hang wherever the fuck it wants.
Whenever I go jogging, it swings about the place like some heavyweight pendulum, often dictating which direction I take, like a built-in compass really.
My dick is ten feet long and I have to carry it wrapped around my neck. Once I let it drag behind me, and someone slammed a door on it.
Plus, I need a transfusion every time I get an erection.
@wundayatta Wow, sounds painful and more than a little inconvenient. But how does your choice of underwear effect that situation? Maybe you need the underwear equivalent of steel toed boots??
I don’t wear underwear.
I wear steel wool!
@Earthgirl He hasn’t learned one little thing. Can you say Zippo?
I was hanging around the house with some loose under armor ‘basketball’ shorts on, the shorts hang to my knees, with elastic around the waste.
My son just started Karate, and I almost completely forgot. I had to jump in the car with him and drive for 15 mins to get to where his class is. I got him there on time, only to notice/remember that I hadn’t worn any underwear. I say I noticed because ‘I’ was hanging free, and poking out noticeably low and to the right. I prefer to dress modestly whenever i am out of the house.
Unfortunately that is not all that was wrong, I had a shirt that had 4 large dark stains/spots on it. I probably blushed when I realized how poorly I was dressed.
Then to make matters worse, out of the 50 kids who were in the class, I was the only dad there, I guess everyone else’s mom’s bring them to karate!! So I am standing there ‘hanging out’ with 20 or so 20 something young Mom’s!!
I found a seat in the corner, pulled out my computer tablet and tried to cover as much of myself as possible.
@noraasnave Way to go! wow, you are into true confessions today, lol. Gives a whole new meaning to the term “hanging out”. Better watch it! You could get a bad reputation!! But wait, what the hell is “under armor “basketball shorts’??? I know about basketball shorts but not the term under armor. Please enlighten me.
it is a brand name. Under Armor became popular for their sweat wicking undershirts. Now they make all kinds of male active apparel.
But, yes, they were basically basketball shorts.
Exactly which area of my life are you concerned about my reputation? True confessions? ‘Hanging Out’?
@noraasnave Well, it’s this way, I don’t think having your goods hanging out all over is going to win friends at the PTA but as for me, I don’t judge. Obviously you were a little concerned yourself OTW you wouldn’t have been hiding out under your “computer tablet” lol. As for “hangin’ out” I merely quote you.
@Earthgirl no worries. I just take all questions seriously and try to answer in my own unique way. Believe me, nothing similar has happened before and will not happen hence. I put a little more planning into getting my son to his Karate class!
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