General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

With Facebook, when I comment on someone else's link, how can I set it so that it doesn't show up in my newsfeed?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) August 12th, 2012

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6 Answers

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Just to verify…do you mean really mean newsfeed? The only one that can read what shows up on that page is you. Or do you mean on your wall (or timeline)? Anyone who has permission see your profile can read anything posted there, unless specific controls are put into place.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Say, if I commented on link on another page and it shows up in the newsfeed (ticker to right). Or does it?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Bear with me here…I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

You log into FB. What immediately shows up is your Newsfeed. It’s like a customized newspaper just for you. The contents displayed is made up of your FB friends’ posts, as long as they allow you to see them.

Let’s say that your partner posts a link to an internet article. You post a comment about it below the article. The comment, along with the original article, will show up in your Newsfeed. The comment, not the article, will show up on your Wall/Timeline unless you have controls set in place to prevent this. The article and comment will not show up on your other FB friends’ pages unless they are also friends with your partner. Your comment will show up in the Newsfeed of any FB friends that your partner has.

DigitalBlue's avatar

You can’t.
The only way that you get it to stop showing in the side ticker is if the person unsubscribes from your ticker posts, and the items that actually show in the feed appears to be random (as far as I can tell) “Mama_Cakes commented on so and so’s photo (photo visible to me)” I don’t know of any way to control that.

It will only show up if you comment on public posts or posts visible to friends of friends, so avoiding those could help. However, mutual friends will still be able to see. In other words, if you comment on my post, friends that we have in common can see that you commented on my post.. but your other friends cannot.

laureth's avatar

@DigitalBlue nailed it. I’ve taken to almost entirely not commenting on the “open to public” or “open to friends-o-friends” posts of people I know. I have FB friends from all areas of my life, and (for example) co-workers don’t need to know all about my political opinions on other peoples’ screeds. By keeping my entries filtered, I allow similarly-minded friends to comment freely.

augustlan's avatar

I looked around like crazy the other day, trying to figure out how to stop this (and the “augustlan just liked link/photo”, too. I can’t find any way to do it. It sucks.

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