What isn't duct tape useful for?
There are so many uses for duct tape you can’t list them all. It would be easier to just say what it can’t be used for. Can you come up with anything? I really couldn’t.
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45 Answers
Anything temporary. Once you peel it off the stickum is a bitch to remove.
And I have heard that it really isn’t all that good for holding ducts together.
Don’t use it to tape up a chicken or a turkey after you’ve stuffed it and before roasting the bird.
For my husband a few years back the question would’ve been what don’t you use it for? That list would’ve been smaller.
LOL, I just read the rest of your post.
So here are some of the things my husband used it for. Pipes, furniture, lawn mower, cable wires, packages, curtains. Then he discovered wood glue and that was a whole new problem.
@Mr_Paradox To fail to see the humor in that belies your screen name. :-)
It was just random and rather unexpected.
@Mr_Paradox Ha! Well, think about it. Ever seen a duck using duck tape?
duck tape doesn’t really help with jack, duct tape however…
No, then again I haven’t seen ET being a pro (pregnant regurgetating ostritch) either.
@ETpro The Moonwalk.
Duck Tape Brand Duct Tape isn’t even used for taping ducts. For that they use foil tape.
It’s not good for using as a band aid, unless the objective is to rip the scab off of the wound. ;-p
@Mr_Paradox I could have sworn that Michael Jackson pioneered the Moon Walk, and that strange as he may have been, he was no ET. Besides, what do Michael Jackson’s innovative dance moves have to do with Extraterrestrial Explorers of Earth?
@King_Pariah Although, from what I understand it is used on planes. I think it is referred to as 500 mile per hour tape. I have also heard 100 mile per hour tape for cars.
Bondage sessions with Donald Duck, on second thought….......
For something that is stuck and you need to loosen it. WD-40 or Mystery Oil would come in handy.
As a condom. Imagine the pain when you try to remove it. Glörious.
Duct tape should never be used for electrical repairs.
Sorry, not funny, but factual. Guess I’m in a serious mood for once. Scary, I know.
We call it gaffer tape over here in england town & would never use it to gag the queen, oh dear me no ;¬}
Duct tape doen’t work well for repairing a cracked and slowly leaking PVC pipe. Yes I had to give it a try. First I placed a glob of Gorilla Glue on the leak. Then I rapped the duct tape tightly around the leak. The result was the leaking slowed a bit and then leaked just as fast as before the duct tape application.
It doesn’t do a very good job of repairing cracks in concrete. It cannot be used in place of lemon juice in most recipes. It’s got nothing when it comes to delivering booty calls.
It would make very uncomfortable socks. or Knickers.
fixing things taping people’s mouths shut waxing Nope, I think it can be used for just about anything!
Um. Can’t make underwear out of it. Well, you could but it would be painful.
@Dutchess_III I wear duct tape thong underwear. Yeah. ‘Cause I’m just that awesome.
Don’t use it on anything that’s wet. It doesn’t like being wet and doesn’t stick.
@Dutchess_III So? I never said I was sticking the tape to myself… :D
You can’t eat it if you’re hungry. Pawn shops don’t give you anything for it, either.
Although once I met MacGyver and told him just this, and then he beat me up. :/
@Dutchess_III Yeah. He used a doorknob, too.
And zomg that duct tape kicks ass!
Stopping a zombie invasion, them zombies are clever bastards.
It does @Symbeline! And Superglue is a perfect way to sew up severe cuts without going to the hospital and getting stitches….it avoids Zombie papers.
Taping drywall seams. I saw a failed attempt once. Not pretty.
There’s not much it can’t be used for, but I’ll tell you the duct tape I have found in Australia is crap! You have to spend a fortune to get the good stuff. Remember, just because it is silver does not mean it is quality duct tape!
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