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MilkyWay's avatar

Anyone else have a preferance of standing up over sitting down?

Asked by MilkyWay (14100points) August 14th, 2012

It’s strange, most people have commented.
I feel more comfortable standing, than I do sitting down. For example, when I’m around the house, I tend to stand behind a chair, or stand next to the armpiece, or just leaning against the wall…
Of course if I visit someone’s house, and it’s a formal visit than I do sit down, (wishing I could be standing).
I remember when I was younger, we went to visit a family friend, and everyone was sitting down, and the guy said “Sit down then MilkyWay…” with a smile, and I politely said “I’m okay, I like standing.”
Anyone else feel this way? Any thoughts on why this is?

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