Why do people put X's in front of their usernames?
I see a lot of people putting X’s in front of their usernames.
Example: XxUserxX or xXNameXx
What do they mean?
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38 Answers
I don’t see that very often myself on Fluther, but people do that kind of thing because it is an easy and memorable modification of a common name that is already in use.
So if you want to be “fred”, but someone else is already registered as “fred”, you can choose “fredx”.
@zenvelo Thanks. I always thought it was pointless. It’s kinda annoying to type those X’s on a PSP when you’re replying or PMing someone.
I’ve done this when I was in middle school. xxcalifornia, xXGCNCUBESTERXx I don’t remember the rest. But it was just an aesthetic thing. X’s box other letters in really well, so does lower case ‘l’ and upper case “I.” Even “o’s” are popular. Simply aesthetic.
@_Whitetigress I see some O’s sometimes. But it just looks neater to me to have it like “BBawlight” instead of “XxBBawlightxX” or “oOBBawlightOo”. They look messy right?
It’s because the username without the “X” is already taken.
@BBawlight I respect what you think may look neater. It’s up to you now, young padawan to do the same, or campaign against it and make some sort of anti-law.
@_Whitetigress Making some kind of anti-law is just silly. It’s like banding together against pop music. I’ve read those comments on YouTube and thought all of those people were at most ten years old. People can like whatever they want. :)
People should be assigned usernames made up of random letters and numbers with strange capitalization. That’ll show ‘em! That’‘ll teach ‘em to use x’s.
Reminds me of my AIM days when I’d make some totally kewl usernames like xXPunKr0kker69Xx or Sk8trXxX or TheStud1000.
@erichw1504 But then it’s anoying to type out when you log in every time. Then people will have trouble PMing you (or something that requires typing out a username).
@wundayatta That’s funny. But then comes the annoying part of typing it in all the time.
@erichw1504 I’m thirteen and I’m too lazy to do that. My YouTube username is pretty straightforward: IHATELIGHT777. I also use LLawliet223; and I can’t remember the other one. Those X’s were pretty annoying when I made my usernames. I normally use BBawlight because it sounds cool (bee-bee-ow-lahyt) and I made it up after all of my others.
Because it’s totally 1337 and super hardcore!!! Can’t you tell?!?!?!
@xXroxzorzXx It’s not super hardcore. It’s kinda aggravating to me.
Yeah, my name’s really Bellatri…
Surrounding your username with X’s sometimes signifies being Straight Edge.
That would be XXXdaloonXXX to you!
Watch the avatar.
Do not turn your eyes away.
Gaze into the avatar.
You are getting horrrrrnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!
Not you, @ucme!
Somewhere to park my bike anyway.
It’s usually just for aesthetic purposes, but it can also help bypass the “this name is already taken” error during sign-up.
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