Social Question

What happened?
So I made the mistake again, I thought I could actually be happy, and be in a relationship, I should have figured otu all the “I want to take it slow” stuff was bullshit, but I didnt. It seemed thignsw ere going fine when we were hanging out two weeks ago, then I try to contact her, I get a bunch of messages from her freind saying she hates me, but now I know that it’s true and this is the statuse I see.
“Ok [my name] leave me the fuck alonei hate u and ur creepy and to fuckinsmartassed and i cant take it anymore So bye bye and have a shitty life…....oh and maybe go fuck [another mistakes name] again shed love that!!!!!! and never crawl back to me becuz god damn u ugly bitch!!!”
Why did she even drag it on or do anything if this is the way she felt? I thought we had something, and earlier today I would hva egiven my life to save her in the blink of an eye, then this, and everything fell apart, and none of it meant anything. I just feel nothing now, I dont get what happened and the only thing I really feel is either nothing, or I get amusement from something then remember and spiral back into depression.
She ahd even talked about long term stuff several times, I dont get it.
Now I jsut dont see a point to living any mroe but no point to end it either, everything is just nothing and it doesnt make sense,
All I know if that this is the final proof I need. I’m never gonna find someone, even if its someone unlikely and something happens its always going to end like this.