Social Question

flutherother's avatar

What percentage of people of the opposite sex could you seduce?

Asked by flutherother (35076points) August 18th, 2012

Of the people you pass in the street, excluding children and the very old, how many do you think you could seduce if you really put your mind to it and the circumstances were right and do you have any evidence to support your claim?

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32 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

All of them, within the law.

ragingloli's avatar

Depends on my supply of Chloroform.

nikipedia's avatar

By “seduce,” do you mean just have sex with once? By that definition I think for most women trying to seduce men, the answer approaches 100%.

downtide's avatar

None. I’m hopeless at seduction. In fact I have never in my life successfully seduced anyone.

flutherother's avatar

@nikipedia Yes, once or more than once. For some women it would approach 100% but maybe not for all.

FutureMemory's avatar

Hmmm…not many, maybe 10–20%

If you ask how many Fluther women I could seduce…

cazzie's avatar

None. I am an ugly old hag who isn’t even wanted by her own husband.

MilkyWay's avatar

I haven’t ever wanted to seduce anyone, but I know if I wanted to, I could seduce the majority of the opposite sex. (and maybe same sex too) Maybe around 80 to 90 percent.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t know, I’m not much of a seducer, but I do seem to attract straight girls at parties, so that could be some evidence. :)

linguaphile's avatar

When I was 17, probably 80%, but nowadays I have zero faith in my looks—I never thought of my looks as an attribute no matter what others have said, so because of that alone, I don’t think I could get my mind to really convince myself to try.

If I could actually convince myself, I’d say 5%.

ucme's avatar

69%, there, or thereabouts.

bookish1's avatar

Why would I want to seduce people of the opposite sex?

AshLeigh's avatar

I have never tried to seduce anyone…

wundayatta's avatar

I doubt if I could seduce one in ten thousand. Maybe one in one hundred thousand.

I also don’t believe any of these women who think they could seduce all men. They go on the principle that men are dogs, and all you have to do is show a little skin, and the man will happily follow you home.

Won’t work with me. If you show me skin, then I assume there is something wrong with you. If you want to seduce me, then you probably have an STD, and are also probably pretty stupid, to say nothing of your morals.

To seduce me, you’d have to convince me that you actually wanted me for me, and weren’t just looking to get laid, and that is not an easy thing to do, especially since I am convinced there are fewer than ten people on the planet who would actually want me for me. If you didn’t want me for me, then you would only be looking for sex, and there is no way I would ever take the risk of having sex with someone who just wanted sex and nothing else.

If you wanted to seduce me, you’d have to make me think it was my idea to seduce you. You would have to make it seem like you were resisting the idea very strenuously. And I doubt I could seduce a housefly, even with a bowl of sugar water. Maybe I could seduce one woman in a million. Doubt it, though. But there’s no way anyone who wasn’t that one in a million could seduce me. To implausible.

It would be a nice laugh, though.

augustlan's avatar

In my prime, 90%. I was very, very good at it and it didn’t involve showing skin, either, @wundayatta. I slept with every man I ever wanted to but one (he was gay.)

Now that I’m older, grayer, and heavier, maybe 50%? I don’t know, really. When I was newly single after 20 years, I only got to seduce one man. We fell in love that night and I married him. Didn’t get to test my skills much!

Shippy's avatar

The art of seduction is most part manipulation. To seduce in my book could be non sexual or sexual. So I would say anyone I set my mind too. Because true seduction is all about them and how you make them feel. And has little to do with me .

Sunny2's avatar

I never seduced anybody. It wasn’t necessary. If it wasn’t mutual from the git go, I retreated immediately. There were always other fish.

wundayatta's avatar

@augustlan You may have slept with every many you ever wanted to, but how many did you want to? I seriously doubt that 90% estimate. I think if you had to include all the men out there, your seduction index would be much lower than 90%, whether you show skin or not.

And I seriously doubt, that even had I been in your group that you wanted to seduce (which I wouldn’t have been), you would have been able to. Men get this horrible reputation of being willing to fuck anything that moves, but it isn’t really true. I think men are much choosier than they let on—and those are the men who get a choice. For those who don’t get a choice, they still don’t let desperation guide their actions most of the time. That’s because they know that if a woman shows interest in them, there must be something wrong with her. They wouldn’t be interested.

Brian1946's avatar

0%, but I have no evidence to support that claim.

creative1's avatar

Not a clue since I don’t try to seduce anyone

filmfann's avatar

I could definitely seduce 100% of the women into ugly, overweight, balding, married men.

creative1's avatar

@filmfann I don’t think so…. I don’t do anything with a married man

Berserker's avatar

All of em, after they’re dead. :D

augustlan's avatar

@wundayatta I kind of hate to post this info here, but in the interest of honesty… between the ages of 15 and 19 years old, I slept with more than 35 guys (I stopped counting at 35). They were between the ages of 15 and 30 or so. From all walks of life, met in many different ways.

Note: I was sexually abused in my childhood, and taking control of my sexuality (having the upper hand) was part of my response to that.

RareDenver's avatar

I like all the girls and all the girls like me!

Shippy's avatar

@wundayatta. I’d like to think women have more intellect than you imply? Somehow the idea that all men are rendered powerless by a ‘bit of skin’ is a bit archaic I feel.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I won’t brag by stating a percentage, but I can seduce just about anyone with my magic hands massages. And I don’t mean dirty massages with happy endings. I give an amazing back massage that can apparently work some incredibly seductive magic. I’ve never had any idea why.

wundayatta's avatar

@augustlan 35 boys seduced between 15 and 19? And how many males did you meet? It is one thing to seduce 35 or more men in four years and quite another to seduce every single many you meet in that period of time. Your 35 couldn’t be more than 10% of the guys in your life at that time.

@Shippy I’m sure skin would work on a lot of guys. But I think you’d have to try a lot harder with most guys, and there are some guys that are pretty seduction proof. THey may want to be seduced, but their self image keeps them from letting anyone in. I’m like that. I simply don’t believe anyone would be interested in me that way. There’s nothing you could do about that, except, perhaps, write me a hundred love letters in which you divulged every secret you had. Even so, I’d be suspicious. I don’t think I’m the only guy like this, either.

Once a woman invited me into her bed. We slept next to each other all night, and I assumed she just wanted to sleep in the same bed, with nothing else to happen. I was utterly convinced she had no interest in me, sexually. As I am convinced with the vast majority of women I meet. It would take a lot of convincing for me to believe otherwise, and in reality, it’s never happened that a woman chased me instead of the other way around.

AshLeigh's avatar

”. Your 35 couldn’t be more than 10% of the guys in your life at that time.”
This only proves that she didn’t seduce all of the men in her life, not that she couldn’t. :P

augustlan's avatar

@wundayatta I probably should have been more clear about my intent in posting the actual numbers. What I meant to indicate was that while I didn’t want to sleep with every man I met, I certainly did want to sleep with a whole heck of a lot of them, and was successful in doing so every time but one. I would think that those I wasn’t interested in sleeping with would have been easier to seduce than the average guy, simply because they wouldn’t be accustomed to being hit on by anyone in the first place.

Shippy's avatar

@wundayatta. I feel sad you feel that way about yourself. Every pot has a lid they say!

wundayatta's avatar

Why sad, @Shippy. Just being realistic. The vast majority of women are not interested in me sexually. But I doubt if I’m special in that way. I feel pretty sure that the vast majority of women are not interested in the vast majority of men sexually. I think that some people are overestimating their powers of seduction based on their success with the men they are interested in. Seducing someone you have no interest in is not nearly so easy. It’s doable, and practice makes perfect, but it is a job, not something that is natural for most women.

And men would have the same problem trying to make themselves interested in every woman. I just don’t think there are that many people who can do it. In fact, I think you have to be crazy in order to make yourself sexually interested in every woman out there.

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