Social Question

Scrutiny Required: Is this a viable business idea? why or why not? ( Part: 2 )
Hello again, sorry to bother you all with this again, but I could really use some criticism of my now modified business idea.
For those who did not see it, part 1 is here.
I go to all the hotels in the area, and ask them if they would be interested in earning some extra money by taking advantage of my services.
I tell the hotel director, that I will come to the hotel once a week for an hour, to entertain the guests free of charge, as an addition to the entertainment they already have.
I will hand out candy for free to kids, and have fun games that you can win free prizes in.
As well as entertaining the guests for free, I will list their hotel for free on a website that I own, about the best hotels in the area. The website is linked to Facebook, Google +, Twitter, and their hotel will also get mentioned there.
Also, I will take publicity from the hotel about the hotel, and get it put in to almost all the businesses in the area, again, free of charge.
In exchange, they must allow me to sell their guests a special discount pack for the area.
The discount pack contains vouchers for almost all the businesses in the area. The pack costs 50 cents, and it pays for its self the first time you use any voucher within it.
For every discount pack I sell, the hotel will get 30 cents of the 50, and I keep the other 20.
The discount vouchers are sourced from businesses, who pay for their voucher to be included in the pack, knowing they will end up in the hands of 1000’s of tourists.
Who Benefits?
The hotel benefits by getting free entertainment, free online advertising, free real world advertising, and revenue.
The businesses benefit by getting to advertise to 1000 tourists directly inside the hotels, after having established a nice relationship with them via free candy and prizes, for the same price that they currently advertise to 200 tourists, by pestering them on the street.
Businesses would also be listed on another website, free of charge, as a final perk.
Is this a better idea than the previous one?
Can you find any faults with it?
What if anything will go wrong?
Thank You!