General Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

How do you put a link into a simple word?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) June 3rd, 2008

How do you put a link to a website into a Fluther answer (or any document for that matter) but you don’t have the long Instead, you have a word or phrase that you click that takes the place of the long link like: click here. Does that make sense? I’ve seen it in Fluther answers but I have no clue how to do it. Any help?

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23 Answers

shrubbery's avatar

On Fluther, you just put the phrase between the ”“s and the long link after the :
” this ” : without spaces would turn out as this

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I’m not sure I follow. Isn’t without spaces already? And what is the “s” and the long-link I should put my phrase between? Sorry, I am not real savvy. Thanks for your help, though!

shrubbery's avatar

Sorry, I should be more clear.
there are spaces between ” this ” : and then the whole link
remove the spaces between the speech marks and this and the colon and the link, i.e put them all together and you get this
That still might not make sense and I’m sorry, perhaps wait for someone else to explain better than I :P
Or, If you look just under the box where you type in an answer it shows you.

naina's avatar

I wrote [double quote]design[double quote][colon]
Replace [double quote] with ” and [colon] with :

waterskier2007's avatar


remove the underscore and you have something saying link. you can replace the word link with whatever you want and the word between quotes will be the only thing to show up. like if i remove the underscore above i get


pixiequeen12's avatar

to produce the same sort of link in a microsoft word document you:

1) type in the word you want to link the website to.
2) highlight it.
3) right click, and choose “hyperlink…”
4) at the bottom where it says “address,” type in the web address.
5) press okay.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Fanstastic help! Thank you all.


Had to try and it worked : )

andrew's avatar

Remember also that you can link to a google search or an amazon search by using :google or :amazon after the quotes.

remove the underscores and you get…
“fluther“_:google fluther
“what is the what“_:amazon what is the what

naina's avatar

Wow Andrew! Great tip! Thanks!

Jeremycw1's avatar

“this“ just testing it out

Jeremycw1's avatar

hmmm i can’t get it to work

andrew's avatar

You’re forgetting the colon.

Jeremycw1's avatar

link oh i see. Thank you :)

odio08's avatar


odio08's avatar


odio08's avatar


odio08's avatar


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