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mazingerz88's avatar

If and when you daydream, what is it often about?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29372points) August 20th, 2012

Do you find real pleasure in daydreaming? Are you even aware you’re doing it? Or is it absolutely zero daydreaming for you?

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28 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar

Yes. And it often feels like I am dreaming of a parallel universe.

SpideySense's avatar

Changing the conversations with other people in my past.

keobooks's avatar

I daydream a lot about stories I want to write. I frequently go over scenes, incidentals and conversations between characters. Even if I never write out my daydreams, it helps me flesh out my characters. I may have two characters who never argue in the story, but I’ll imagine an argument between them just to get a deeper look into their motivations.

The downside is that sometimes I get into a writer’s block or funk and I will feel as if daydreaming about the story is the same thing as writing it. And it’s not. Every now and then I have to actually get my head out of daydream land and write something.

Sunny2's avatar

I didn’t think of it as day dreaming, but I certainly was when I taught and created lessons. I don’t think of planning ahead as day dreaming, but it really is. I plan menus that I’ll never cook. I imagine what an occasion will be like. Is imagination the same as day dreaming?

ragingloli's avatar

I insert myself as a character in Anime I watched and influence the plot.

bookish1's avatar

food (cooking and eating), sex, and dead poets.

gailcalled's avatar

@SpideySense: Since you mentioned that you can travel both forward and back in time, can you not alter the past conversations that trouble you?

From three hours ago;

SpideySense's avatar

@gailcalled I did, I like this much better.

gailcalled's avatar

You like what much better?

SpideySense's avatar

@gailcalled The change I made 12 years ago.

gailcalled's avatar

What change is that? (I cannot reverse time and check out what you were doing 12 years ago.)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Having laser eye beams.

Berserker's avatar

Murder, sleeping and new clothes, mostly.

chyna's avatar

Living at the beach.

DaphneT's avatar

I’ve turned off my daydreaming as much as possible, it’s too much about what will never be. I used to do it all the time. I would definitely escape into any fantasy involving the latest leading man on TV. I’d always dream about being his perfect wife and being capable of doing daring-do. And we’d have the perfect children. I’d daydream about the house I would live in when I had more money than I knew what to do with, and I’d redesign the rooms every time a new catalog came out. I’d spend the seasons designing the perfect fashions, or I’d learn to ride a horse and be a dashing equestrian.

Yeah, I’ve gotten over the perfect wife and children stage of my life; the house of perfection, that’s not going to happen; I’ve been on a horse, not learning that; perfect fashions don’t belong on my body type.

Daydreaming is now a waste of my time, I’d much rather spend that time actually sleeping. I’ve become very sleep-deprived in the past few years, not a state I can change anytime soon.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ve thought about this on and off for about an hour and discovered my daydreams are mostly about sex. I know I should be thinking about important concepts and higher level ideas but facts are facts.

mazingerz88's avatar

@LuckyGuy Same here. In my case, fucks are fucks. Lol.

Shippy's avatar

I day dream about how I would like my life to be. I am going to do it more I think ‘cos visualization all that!

OpryLeigh's avatar

At the moment it is my holiday which is only three weeks away!

In general my daydreams are about all the wonderful things I hope will happen in my future.

DaphneT's avatar

And then I revisit a question such as this and realize that I’ve spent the evening daydreaming about having great conversations like these with real people in dusty bookshops and jazzy clubs or around a crackling fire with suitable beverages, maybe having the evening decay into decadent s.. with some of the wittier read s..ier guys.

gailcalled's avatar

“Wittier” does not always translate into “sexier.”

DaphneT's avatar

^^my daydream, go have your own :’)

I will imagine any guy I’ve never met to be good looking and just the way I want him, just don’t make me think you’re a doddering fool of my grandpa’s age.

gailcalled's avatar

Why not? I probably am. “Doddering fool” is a mean generality for an older guy, don’t ya think?

DaphneT's avatar

doddering fool is a behavioral description of a stereotypical older male. Do you want your fantasy guy to have that characteristic?

gailcalled's avatar

It certainly is not a behavioral characteristic of an older male. This may be your stereotype, however ill-advised it is.

Having some physical infirmities is also very different than being called a fool, no matter what age.

Some of my best friends are older guys and/or grandfathers, none of whom fall into that category.

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