Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What have you done that likely has ruined your health?

Asked by JLeslie (65824points) August 20th, 2012

Looking for specifics. Like running marathons ruined your knees, or being overweight probably caused your diabetes, playing computer games gave you carpal tunnel, taking a medication had negative side effects, etc.

Do you regret what you did? Do you beat yourself up about it? Do you take it in stride and just deal with fixing it? Have you changed the behavior, because of the negative result?

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18 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Being overweight probably caused my diabetes,

Do I beat myself up about it?

No, I’m actually quite pissed about it. I don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke, and don’t do drugs of any kind. Don’t drive fast, rarely go out, don’t play video games, and have maybe one friend outside of my wife. I’m not cruel, mean, or deceitful. I rarely sit still and am often cleaning or organizing something. I drop off and pick my daughter up from school, help her with her homework, and spent about sixteen years of my life working two jobs.

I do however, like to eat good food. Clearly too much of it. So I end up a type-2 diabetic.

And while I try to watch what I eat, stay active, and take my meds like clockwork, I gotta say – fuck you diabetes. If my greatest sin in life turns out to be too many bagels and cookies, then fuck you and the bad genes you rode in on.

Coloma's avatar

Not ruined yet! lol
I have smoked cigarettes, pot, dropped acid, used cocaine for awhile in my wild youth, but so far, no issues. I was a very active and athletic younger person and have a pin in my shoulder from a horse accident. Marathon biking, water skiing, white water rafting, tons of horse related accidents.

I was also a sun worshipper but have used sunscreen for the last 20 something years now and take my vitamins.
I have had one pre-cancerous mole removed from my stomach, never to return.
My weight has gone up and down a few times too, but I have never been seriously obese.
I’m a tough little thing, hardy pioneer stock, it will take a lot to do me in

Most likely my body will fail long before my mind. My entire family is very bright, no alzheimers and only the mildest of dementia once we hit about 90 something. haha

Coloma's avatar

P.S. No I don;t beat myself up about anything, it’s all been part of this wild ride called life! Come what may. Better to wear out than rust! lol

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t believe my health is ruined.
I have done many things that were not good for me, and probably made me a little less healthy. (Alcohol, cigarettes, weed, self mutilation.) But I wouldn’t say my health is ruined. I am still very healthy.
I take care of myself, now.

woodcutter's avatar

I suspect a few work related accidents have not been good for me but at the time (the early ones) seemed harmless enough. Maybe 5 years ago a ladder went out from under me and I fell and landed on my back. I think it may have left more than a mark. Either way it didn’t help.
Motorcycle crashes did some lasting damage but I don’t think it ruined me. Sometimes arthritis feels like it’s all ruined but I’m not sure.

Things could be worse.

abundantlife's avatar

I never lose the hope of getting fitter and I am free of diseases now. There are one or two which you can’t control like blood pressure you just have to make sure it doesn’t affect you too much.

YARNLADY's avatar

I started using the computer in 2006 and quit reading, doing crafts, and walking. I am currently 50 pounds overweight.

bookish1's avatar

Well, when I was a little bookish1, I caught a nasty case of dysentery that most likely triggered my type 1 diabetes a few years later. Bad, bad, me, I should have known better. I just have to put my educator hat on whenever I hear people using the words “diabetes” and “overweight” in the same sentence.

More seriously, I am scared to think of what my lungs look like after smoking since I was 14 though >_< No beating myself up. But they are healing from now on! I know why I started, I know why I continued for so long, and I don’t have those reasons anymore.

filmfann's avatar

When I was a child, I had a paper route. Carrying the papers (on Sundays they are quite large) on my shoulders probably contributed to ruining my back.

thorninmud's avatar

I wonder about some of the environmental hazards I’ve exposed myself to along the way. When I was a kid working at the gas station (back in the days of un unleaded gas), I used to blithely use that gas to cut the grease on my hands and arms, and breathed the fumes all day (no vapor-collecting pump nozzles then, either).

More recently, I routinely used a soldering iron to burn holes through vinyl upholstery (pimping wheelchairs). The smoke from that smells terrible, and I now learn that burning vinyl releases dioxin, a potent carcinogen.

No troubles yet, but I’m probably carrying more toxins than your average lab rat.

wundayatta's avatar

Hmph. What haven’t I done? Let’s see. Scratching my mosquito bites has caused them to never heal and sometimes get infected. Diving off the diving board has given me achilles heel problems due to being overweight. Being overweight gives me high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is related to vision problems, as well. It also gives me sleep apnea, and could well be related to bipolar disorder due to lack of sleep. Also riding my bike contributes to the achilles problems.

What do I do? I treat the symptoms as best I can. I’d love to lose weight, but that is pretty difficult. But I’m working on it. I finally have a scale, so I can see what is happening.

gailcalled's avatar

Having used my knees for bending and lifting for decades to protect a wonky lower back, I now have arthritic knees. It’s the luck of the draw.

Looking back, I wish that I had stopped eating meat and dairy much earlier than I did.

Since I have to breathe the air and drink the water (I do have my well tested occasionally) I make my peace with those issues but try to improve things by political and environmental activism.

Shippy's avatar

I smoke and I hate myself for it.

wilma's avatar

Too much junk food.

downtide's avatar

I have dodgy knees which I blame on years of horseriding in my youth. “aaand… TROT! Up-two-up-two!”

I also smoked for almost three decades, but that appears not to have caused any noticeable damage that I’m aware of.

6rant6's avatar

Waited too long to die.

Aster's avatar

I’m not sure it’s “ruined” but I do eat a lot of sugary foods. Combine that with a computer addiction and what do you get? I don’t know. At least I’m fixable.

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