What was the most you ever ate?
Like ever.
Like “I-need-to-unbutton-my-pants-and-can’t-move” kind of full.
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27 Answers
In proportion to my age and weight at the time, the most I ever ate was an entire large pizza when I was 13 years old and around 85 lbs. Not sure why I was so hungry that day, but I just kept eating slice after slice until I realized I’d eaten the whole thing. It was loaded with meat toppings too, which should have made it extra filling. :D
A thanksgiving dinner at a “family style” all you can eat place in Carpinteria CA. It was called the Big Yellow House, and they served plates of food to the table, and you could order additional servings. There were five of us, all college students, and we each ate about 2 and a half complete thanksgiving dinners.
We could barely walk, and on the ride home I thought I was going to throw up.
Oh, and one time I ate a whole watermelon at one sitting on a bet. Since it was a bet, it was the largest watermelon that could be found. I won, but peed my brains out all night.
I crammed a whole pack of Hubba Bubba bubble gum into my gob when I was a kid, the resulting bubble was so immense I was viewed via satellite soaring over the foothills of Budapest.
Every Thanksgiving dinner I’ve ever had.
Alternatively: I remember when I was younger, one night I had a whole bag of Cool Ranch Doritos (not family size, but the next largest), 8 cookies, a soda, and some popcorn.
Probably the day I left for college as a freshman. My mother took us out to eat at a really good restuarant. I couldn’t decide between two meals, so I got both of them and ate it all.
Thanksgiving as a kid: Mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, that pink jello-like whatever-it-is, stuffing, turkey (of course), that green jello-like whatever-it-is, apple/raisin salad, a slice of lemon meringue, a slice of apple pie, a slice of pecan pie, a slice of chocolate pie, ice cream, sweet potatoes and cookies. My stomach hurt for hours.
Glad to know that I’m not the only one that immediately thought “it had to be one Thanksgiving…”
An entire chocolate cake in one sitting. I was sad in high school…
@Digitalpeople. I eat a ton at Thanksgiving, but it’s almost all vegtables. My mother has 12 to 15 veggies on the table. I eat a little turkey, some stuffing and the rest is all vegtables.
It had to be Thanksgiving. Somehow, that is the best meal ever! Only lately, I try really hard just to eat normal portions. I do not need to be eating like I did in my twenties, any more.
I live in the home of Wingbowl, where contestants eat as many chicken wings as they possibly can. That is what passes for culture here. Alas.
@Adirondackwannabe we have a veggie heavy table at Thanksgiving, as well, and I never cease to amaze myself at how much food I can put away. I always regret it, but there is just no stopping me once I have planted my butt at the Thanksgiving table. It’s ridiculous.
Yes, Thanksgiving for sure!
Thanksgiving tradition for years and years was to drink champagne while cooking and waiting on the turkey to be done, which, is always, inevitably, 2 hours late. lol
We would all be crocked on champagne, eat boatloads of food then beach ourselves around the house in a food and champagne induced near coma state. haha
Good times!
As a kid, I ate an entire full sized bag of nacho flavored Doritos.
As an adult, it was probably at one of the casino buffets.
On some of the occasions that we’ve eaten at Hometown Buffet, I’ve had a full plate of salad, followed by two full plates of other goodies.
A place around here makes falafel-in-pita sandwiches that are each intended to be a meal, they are stuffed. Not that long ago I ate two and a half of them at one sitting. I moved very little for a few hours after that.
I recall as a kid for some reason Sunday breakfast, after church, was an occasion for gluttony. A family of two adults and three kids would go through a pound of regular bacon, a pound of beef bacon, some breakfast sausages, pancakes, about a dozen eggs.
I clearly recall being uncomfortably stuffed many times. Can’t think straight, can’t do much, can’t sleep, can’t get active… that kind of stuffed.
Years ago I pulled an all nighter with a friend. We were playing through Super Mario Brothers 3, and intended to beat it. So we went to Burger King, and bought ten Whopper Juniors, and had five each while playing. Yeah, they’re small hamburgers for children, but when you eat five, it’s damn filling lol. We ate them throughout the night and the last ones got all cold, but I was stuffed.
The Shakeys Bunch o’ Lunch when I was around 10; I was trying to keep up with my oldest brother and powered down 19 pieces of pizza. It still stands as a personal best.
Oh jeez, guys, I forgot all about Thanksgiving meals. I usually end up eating three or four plates of food every Thanksgiving. It’s ridiculous how much food I put away, and I feel slightly sick for about 2 days afterward.
@dabbler What on earth is beef bacon? I’m a vegetarian, and even though I ate pork bacon in my youth, I’ve never heard of beef bacon.
Thank goodness I have some Morning Star Farms fake bacon in my fridge right now. You just made me think that I should make a fake BLT : )
Oh. I got this….I have a personal record of 18 full size corn on the cob. I coulda eaten more, but we ran out. I also can eat 13 tacos. No running out. Just full. Both times spent part of the next day buying TP, and using record amounts of such TP.
^^ Sounds like a case of rrhoid-rage LOL.
@Kardamom it was. I’d do the corn thing again, sooooo yummy. The taco thing, not so much. That seasoning kills my old ass. Yes, pun.
It was at a breakfast buffet at the Yosemite Lodge. They had to roll me out of there. I then hiked to the top of Half Dome and back (an all day hike) and I still was not hungry enough to eat dinner.
When I was dating my first husband we went to my parents for Christmas Lunch and it was arranged we would have dinner at his parents. We got to my parents, ate the HUGE lunch prepared there, plus Christmas pudding and then headed off to his parents. His mother had also prepared a HUGE Christmas lunch. As the dutiful girlfriend I felt obliged to eat it. Then, after a few hours, out came chocolates, Christmas cake and so on. I thought I was seriously going to explode.
@Kardamom “beef bacon” is just bacon-like strips made of beef. Not sure from what part of the beast it’s cut but it’s meant to be a somewhat lower-fat alternative to pork bacon.
I’ve been vegetarian about 25 years so wouldn’t touch the stuff these days….
@dabbler Thanks for the info. I wonder why they bother to call it bacon instead of something else like beefon. I’m going to get on the Google and read more about it. Even though I wouldn’t eat it either, being a veg, but I’m still curious.
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