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ninjacolin's avatar

How many stupid things do you think you've said on fluther over the years?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) August 26th, 2012

Sometimes an old question pops back up and I get a chance to read over my comments from years gone by. lol, sometimes I’m happy for my contribution sometimes I’m not.

Well, maybe it all made sense to me at the time, but looking back I might guess maybe 20% of the stuff I’ve said on fluther is reject worthy. haha.. not sure for sure of course. but yea..

hell, why not make this a thread for apologizing for any bull$@*! you might’ve spewed over the years to your poor innocent fluther buddies.


How often do you disagree with your old fluther-self?

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25 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I drunk fluther a lot. So yea…..

janbb's avatar

One thing once.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Very few. I’m sober 99.99% of the time.

thorninmud's avatar

I can remember 4 posts I regret making.

ninjacolin's avatar

^ you? haha, i’d be interested to know one that you regret.

Not that you have to regret completely whatever it is you said.. just kinda not really agree with yourself anymore or maybe you don’t like the attitude you had when you posted it. I’ve got a few of those. haha

thorninmud's avatar

@ninjacolin I’d tell you, but it’s better that they just rest in peace. It’s kind of like asbestos: it was a mistake to use it, but once it’s there you shouldn’t go stirring it up.

Kardamom's avatar

There have been some postings where the OP thought what I said was stupid, but I still stand by my remarks.

chyna's avatar

One or two. Okay, maybe three, but that’s it. I’m usually pretty profound.~

augustlan's avatar

Plenty, I’m sure. I can’t even blame most of them on drunken Fluthering, either!

As for disagreeing with my former self…when I first joined, I was sort of an agnostic deist and now I’m an atheist. One of my earliest questions contains a mention of me believing in a god.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think I can relate . . . .

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It happens with alarming frequency, be it a typo, a misunderstanding in response to another member’s post, or just a change in views over time. I try to learn from each personal mistake that is made.

cookieman's avatar


I’m slightly more foolish than @Jeruba

Jeruba's avatar

Yikes, @cprevite, that wasn’t a percentage! The OP asked “how many stupid things?” I was giving a number and not a proportion.

I wouldn’t say I disagree with a lot of my old responses, though. I’d probably say the same stupid things now.

The ones I regret are posts I typed in anger, which has happened a few times when I didn’t manage to hit the delete key first. I don’t usually go in for posting while drunk, but I’ve posted in a bad mood more than once.

SavoirFaire's avatar

This will be post 4,760, so I guess I’ll go with 4,760 + n (where n is however many posts I’ve had moderated). Some were less stupid than others, of course, but I imagine there are wise people out there who would be willing to explain to me—if only they had the time—how each and every one of them is still fundamentally mistaken.

cookieman's avatar

@Jeruba: Oh, I see that now. Sorry. S’okay, I still suspect I’m up around 49.4%. :^)

Bellatrix's avatar

I am not game to read over my past comments to judge them for stupidity. I don’t think my self-esteem could cope with the verdict.

wundayatta's avatar

I think I write less than 1% stupid shit. But I think that some people here think I write 90% stupid shit. I’m afraid you’re going to have to judge for yourself.

zensky's avatar

Too many to count.

Blackberry's avatar

A lot, but it’s good to learn from mistakes.

ucme's avatar

I am the cleverest, most intelligent jelly there’s ever been.
There’s another one right there, still, never mind eh!

Coloma's avatar

I don’t think I have said anything “stupid”, but, I have had a couple of sparring matches with a few, um, shall we say, rather difficult jellies over the last few years.
Most have had no long lasting effects on our “relationships”, if you want to call it that, but a few have resulted in permanent dislike and avoidance. lol
Hey, that’s okay, I am not a thin skinned, hypersensitive type and do not hold grudges

I can have a moment of head butting and then, respond to another Q. completely fresh, without bias or animosity while I have noticed that for some jellies, one disagreement or heated discussion bias’s them forever more.
Somebody has to be a complete ass on a regular basis for me to blacklist them for eternity.

Paradox25's avatar

I don’t regret making any posts because of my stance with the issues on hand, but I do have some regrets where I’ve let my emotions get in the way of making an intelligible response at times. Sometimes I didn’t have enough information or knowledge to respond to a thread, but yet I did, and I regret making those posts as well.

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