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Pandora's avatar

How many of you think this is a proper interpretation of Romney and Ryan?

Asked by Pandora (32489points) August 28th, 2012

Found this on the internet after seeing the Hunger Games and I couldn’t help think this when I saw the characters in the movie. Found it amusing that I wasn’t the only one. Although I did not make the Ryan connection till later but it fits. Romney and Ryan in the hungergames .
Mrs. Romney as Effie would have been perfect as well as the capital representing the republican or tea party.
Do you agree? Why or why not?

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56 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t see how photo-shopping a picture of Romney and Ryan is a proper interpretation of anything close to reality. Reasonable voters will be able to see that this is simply another attempt of those on the left to distract from Obama’s poor record.

SuperMouse's avatar

I think it is a brilliant bit of satire. It is funny because it has a basis in truth. If Romney and Paul get elected and have their way with the government, a great many people will suffer for the profit of a few. If Romney and Paul get elected and have their way with the government, a great many people will lose their civil liberties and the right to do with the want with their own lives and their own bodies.

Pandora's avatar

I thought it showed Romneys disconnect with everyday voters.
@gondwanalon. I don’t consider myself a leftist nor do I say Obama is perfect, but every time I see and hear Romney he very much reminds me of an exaggerated game host who seems insincere when saying he’s sorry for someone’s lost when he makes millions out of others misery. Like the character in the story he has no real concept of what life is like for people who are not from his little world. As a woman I have no reason to believe that he sees us as equal human beings, and being Latin, I’m even lower on the list.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As satire, it’s great!

filmfann's avatar

@Pandora nailed it!

I just posted this pic on my facebook page.

jerv's avatar

I think it is inaccurate since Caesar Flickerman and Seneca Crane had charisma. Then again, satire is rarely accurate.

@gondwanalon Since you have no grasp on satire, nor do you realize that your side has a record that is at least as bad (and in many cases worse), I am not surprised that you feel that way. Reasonable voters will be able to see this as just humor… and then vote for someone who isn’t totally detached from the majority of Americans and their Taliban-esque running mate.
BTW, do you have the same dim opinion of those who refer to our current POTUS as Osama? You know, both sides use satire, and for you to blast one side and not the other for doing so would be wrong.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The Democrats clearly labels “Satire” @jerv, or they get in trouble. The Republicans don’t make the distinction, and they get big votes based on the satire they post parading it as “fact.”.

ETpro's avatar

@jerv I sincerely hope, for the sake of us 99%ers, that you are right about how the voters will see the decision before them.

gondwanalon's avatar

@jerv You know nothing about who I am yet you make broad generalizations about me. Are you some sort of psychic? If you then you are a very bad one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@gondwanalon That’s not quite fair. They aren’t some anonymous Joe-Blow. They are putting themselves, their lives, their beliefs and their personality out in front of the whole wide world for inspection. And in the case of this year’s republicans, they can’t seem to stop putting their foot in their mouths.

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon Had you used a word such as “mediocre” or “lackluster” instead of “poor” to describe Obama’s record, or had you not implied that those on the Left are unreasonable, or had you merely stated that you feel that satire is never a proper interpretation of anything, I would not have said what I did.
I would actually be happy to be proven wrong, but as a reasonable person, I must go where the evidence leads me, and the fact that you speak like a diehard Republican combined with the fact that I have never seen you misspeak before…

gondwanalon's avatar

@jerv It is so much better when you use a more civilized tone with me. Thank you for that. Yes I’ve miss-spoke before and I’m sloppy with my grammar and spelling as well.

I thought that I was being kind to Obama’s record when I wrote that it was simply “poor”. Crappy and lousy would be too harsh but your terms of “mediocre” and “lackluster don’t quite describe what my eyes see.

Of course I can detect and enjoy satire. Sometimes it rubs me the wrong way though. I would not appreciate a satire about the President of the U.S.A. (Democrat or Republican). I’m sure that you recall the Saturday Night Live satires by Tina Fey depicting Sara Pailin as a bungling boob. That pretty much destroyed McCain/Pailin. So when I saw the picture in question shown above, I thought, “Here we go again”. Those tactics worked so well in the last election that this is just the beginning of a huge onslaught of the same, “satire” if you will. No way will I ever think that presenting Obama in a picture as a clown to be funny.

It is true that I think that Obama is leading the U.S.A. in the wrong direction and I’ll make that voice heard by voting. But I accept the fact that Obama will likely be reelected. Whomever is elected President this November, I know that it is going to be OK.

@Pandora I’m sorry that you seem to think that society is holding you back. Whether it is or isn’t try to eliminate those negative thoughts. As Dr Wayne Dyer likes to say: “As you think so shall you be” and “What you think about comes about”. Be strong and defiant!

@Dutchess_III All I can say to you is: “Life is not fair. Get used to it! (Bill Gates)

Pandora's avatar

@gondwanalon I never saw society as holding me back but I am very very realistic about the views of people like Romney. I see them as a plague to society rather than the cure. Women still do not have a strong hold in society and we don’t need knuckle draggers leading our government and telling my daughter or anyone daughter that they aren’t sufficient because they were born with ovaries, while these guys continue to pop blue pills to get it up and have no problem charging that on their insurances. Also. I remember the little so call joke about his birth certificate not being called into question. That was his way of appealing to white people. I’m white and he (obama) is not. He’s been in politics long enough to know how that was going to play in the media. He was just hoping that it would rally the white people in spite of it and maybe not be recognize for what it was from other parties and that they would see it as an attempt to be thought of as home made apple pie.
His view on women suck.
His view on health care suck.
His view on taxes suck.
His personal record on paying taxes suck.
His personal record of hiding money in FOREIGN banks suck.
The only thing missing from his is these words. “Let them eat cake!”.
So this doesn’t get too series though, Lets all go shop at Cotsco. I hear the kirland shirts are awesome!

glacial's avatar

@gondwanalon Tina Fey’s depiction of Sarah Palin did not destroy McCain/Palin. McCain’s cynical choice of an uninformed, incompetent nitwit as his running mate destroyed McCain/Palin. Many Americans were horrified by the idea that she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency. We all watched her interviews – Tina Fey’s portrayal of her rang true with viewers, and that is why it was good satire.

To answer the question – yes, I think it is a good photo, though I’m not sure about Flickerman for Romney, since he was sort of a minor player. Perhaps he should have been made up as Effie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Agree with @glacial Palin destroyed that bid all by her silly self.

Satire is meaningless if it doesn’t have some truth to it.

@gondwanalon You lost me on your quote ”“Life is not fair. Get used to it! (Bill Gates)” I can’t put it in the context of my statement, that you can’t compare the average Joe Blow (who you really know nothing about) with a Presidential Hopeful who tries to show everyone on earth everything they want you to know about them. It isn’t fair to compare Joe Blow with a Presidential Hopeful. What does that have to do with your come back?

gondwanalon's avatar

@Pandora Oh my goodness! It’s OK. Don’t hold back. Say how you really think about this. HA!

Dr. Wayne Dyer has asked the question: “If you squeeze an orange, then what comes out?” The answer is of course orange juice. Why? Because that’s what’s inside.

If something squeezes you,( like the thought of a Republican becoming President of the U.S.A.) then what comes out? Anger, frustration and bitterness. Why? Because that’s what’s inside of you.

We all have to not get too worked up about politics. It really isn’t worth it. But if it has helped you to blow off some steam then good for you. Perhaps yoga and meditation could be helpful. Jogging works for me. And petting my cats.

May the best man be elected President!

Good health!

@Dutchess_III I couldn’t tell what you were saying either. You said that something wasn’t fair so neither is life. Can you dig it?

Pandora's avatar

@gondwanalon Believe it or not, I wasn’t pissed when I wrote it. I forget that (some) Republicans assume that all women think from an emotional place. I have already worked, lived life and am in no need of birth control. But it doesn’t mean that I will not stand up for the rights of women everywhere and sit in silence because these injustices no longer really apply to me. I just see that God created women equal to men to go side by side, not walk behind. I could’ve used other words to describe suck but I felt that it really summed it up nicely. If you must know, I was in a hurry. I drank a lot of water but wanted to reply before I got busy doing other things.
I was merely stating facts but I do find it amusing that you chide someone else for presuming to know you and yet you do the same with me. Must be a Republican thing. Or did I guess wrong?
Thank you for your concern but I work out regularly and my health is pretty good for my age. I also have low blood pressure. But I will be needing some new gym clothing soon. Maybe I’ll see you in Cotsco. I am a card carrying member. LOL
BTW, I do agree with you on one thing. May the best man win. I know I’ll be voting for him. :)

jerv's avatar

What scares me is that elections are sometimes used as a referendum. Some people are dissatisfied with the incumbent and would elect anybody; Charles Manson, Pigasus, the ghost of Torquemada… they don’t care how crazy, incompetent, corrupt, or evil someone is, so long as they replace a person who they feel is responsible for failing to fix every problem.

Of course, there are also the straight-ticket voters who may as well cast their 2028 votes right now since they don’t even care about platforms, only whether the candidates name is followed by a D or an R.

Pandora's avatar

@jerv I agree. Funny thing is that on the web, there is an article about Romney selling himself as MR. Fix it. Anyone who thinks the economy can be fixed in one term or even two is an idiot and would deserve an idiot for a president. (I’m only sorry I would be suffering along side them).

Dutchess_III's avatar

@gondwanalon I was responding to your comment: “You know nothing about who I am yet you make broad generalizations about me.” I assumed you were talking about Romney and Ryan, and not yourself. We know all that Romney and Ryan WANT us to know, which is quite a bit, actually, and it just doesn’t look good so far. That isn’t a fair comparison to making generalizations about somebody we honestly do NOT know at all, which is what you were suggesting. Do you understand now?

jerv's avatar

@Pandora By definition, half of America is of below-average intelligence. Add in enough “above-average but batshit-insane” voters, and those who merely believe that any change is good, and you have enough Romney votes that Obama won’t get a landslide victory no matter what. He could be running against Bin Laden’s ghost and it would still be a close race.

Pandora's avatar

@jerv Hmm! Maybe I should run. Sounds like I would have a chance. I would promise that congress will be fined 10,000 dollars a day each, for every day they delay a vote on the budget.
That will put a little bit more money in the budget every year. And make them come to a vote like their hind quarter was on fire. LOL

gondwanalon's avatar

@Pandora Honestly, do you really think that jerv’s mean-spirited and hurt-full statements about me equates to me trying to be helpful to you?

By the way, I have never bought anything from Walmart. So it is unlikely that you see me there. In fact the only stores that I shop at are Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace Hardware and Petco. My wife buys all of my food, clothes, etc.

@jerv So if half of the people are dumb. Would you agree that smarter people tent to earn more money then dumb people? Also Republicans tend to earn more money that Democrats. So the most logical conclusion would be that dumb and poor people would more likely be Democrats.

Anyway the really sad part is that the outcome of this election will likely be decided by people who can’t even name the Vice President, Secretary of State or not care enough to acquire a photo ID.

@Dutchess_III You assumed wrong,

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon In that case, reality is illogical; the Red states generally have worse schooling, and higher poverty rates. Don’t take my word for it though. Look it up for yourself and see how the South fares.
Or we could go anecdotal like you did. Notice that city folk tend to be more educated than country folk? Note that bankers and lawyers earn more than farmers? Note that rural areas tend to be “redder” than urban areas?

One nice thing about stupidity is that it truly is equal opportunity. The only exception is when they intentionally concentrate themselves as has been done with the Republican party over the last few years, though many real Republicans are ashamed of what their party has turned into.

But I digress. Tell me, @gondwanalon, are you one of those “Anybody but Obama!” people? I am still trying to figure out where you actually are here. I know many Left-leaners are unhappy enough with Obama that they don’t care who replaces him so long as they replace him soon, and I know many to the Right who don’t care who gets in office so long as there is an R after their name. Then there are those that do some fact-checking and go with whoever is bullshitting less (they tend to go Democrat lately) and others who cannot be swayed by facts. What I want to know is whether you use your brain or your guts more when deciding who to vote for.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok @gondwanalon. I stand corrected. Although I have to agree with @jerv. From your post it would certainly appear that you “you have no grasp on satire…”

Pandora's avatar

@gondwanalon. Obviously your idea and my idea of being helpful is quite different. I definetly know when someone is being condescending and trying to pretend that it isn’t what it is. Just accept it for what it is. I’m not buying any snake oil today or any day. I’m not a spring chicken any more but I’m not daft.

gondwanalon's avatar

“Stupid is as stupid does.” as Forrest Gump might say.

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves but wiser people so full of doubt.” -Bertrand Russell

“The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead” -Aristotle

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” -Aristotle

You want to know who I am politically so I’ll give you a small insight. I voted for Carter the first time and have mostly voted for GOP candidates since then. I admit that I voted for “W” twice. Also I admit that Bush’s second term was a disaster. I don’t think that you will believe me but I did vote for Obama in 2008 (I just couldn’t vote for who I called “Mutt and Jeff”). I wished then and even more now that Hillary had gotten the nomination. But as the philosopher Homer would say, “After an event even a fool is wise”.

Right now I’m sick, tired and saddened by all the political slime coming at me from all angles.

“I detest that man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and then speaks fourth another” -Homer

So “I pear into the milky void of politics in search of truth but to no avail” -Me

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon That begs the question; if somebody is doing a mediocre job, is replacing them with somebody whose proven record is worse really change for the better?

Like many elections, this one isn’t about who can do a better job, but which one will fuck things up the least. Benign incompetence is better than what the GOP is offering this election, so I’m holding my nose and voting for the incumbent here, not because I support him, but because I think the alternative is worse.

gondwanalon's avatar

Your question seems too simplistic. It doesn’t take into account political ideology. You see, if I vote for Obama it is like double jeopardy for me. I’ll be voting for a President with a less than good record to lead me in a direction that I think is wrong for the country. I gave Obama a chance, he failed to produce and now I think that it is time for some more change. Romney is far from perfect (His Mormon religion drives me up a wall), however he says the right words and he seems sincere, so I’ll give him a chance.

Oh and of course I wonder what an ancient Greek philosopher might say about this? Perhaps:

“The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits”. -Plutarch

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon Maybe I am too familiar with Romney’s record. After all, I lived in a neighboring state, so pretty much everything he did was local news, if not directly affecting people I knew. Ryan is sincere; Romney… not so much
Too bad Roemer never had a chance.

bkcunningham's avatar

“After all, I lived in a neighboring state…” No offense, @jerv, but that one made me shake my head. I wonder what reaction I’d get if I used that one here?

jerv's avatar

@bkcunningham I’m sure you know more about things 20 miles from you than 2,000. And you likely travel 20 miles more often than 2,000. But if you have absolute zero interest in anything going on outside your voting district, even if you are there a lot and thus exposed to their laws, and your family lives there so it affects your loved ones, then maybe you are a little myopic, if not solipsistic. Personally, I pay attention to things going on near me.

ETpro's avatar

@bkcunningham & @jerv I live in the state he actually governed. He was a disaster except for his signature Healthcare Reform which he now excoriates as Obamacare (One and the same as Romneycare, and it’s great).

@gondwanalon Bragging about being an ideologue is an interesting boast. Ideology never trumps facts for me.

bkcunningham's avatar

Don’t be so defensive, @jerv. I thought it was funny. And I know funny. After all, I lived in a neighboring state to Illinois. A lot of funny business comes out of there. ~

gondwanalon's avatar

@ETpro Oh like you are free of political ideology. HA! Politics without ideology is like a car with no engine. It may look good but it has no power to go anywhere.

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon Ideology may be essential, but when ideology is all you have, with no facts, logic, reason, or intelligence behind it, you are just a fool.

Hence why many regard Republicans as fools. Sadly, being brainless is not a barrier to obtaining power.

gondwanalon's avatar

@jerv You seem so certain of yourself and so quick to talk trash about people with a different point of view. That is a foolish way to act.

I think that you are likely mistaking the left’s rhetoric, propaganda and lies as so called “facts” that conservatives are refusing to accept as facts.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. -Socrates

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, @gondwanalon. Yes, @jerv posted his own opinion, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that the right wing can’t post ANY facts about all of the insane claims they make about Obama, whereas the left consistently posts links to articles and videos to back their claims up about Romney. This shows they are not lies. I never find any links to crazy claims about Obama on FB, or Google plus or here. Just a bunch of drivel that doesn’t mean anything and that only a fool would take seriously.

For example, does Romeny Flip Flop? You bet he does.

Can you post us some “facts” that highlight Obama as being uncrediable to counter the plethora of articles and videos that prove Romney is a snake in the grass?

gondwanalon's avatar

The bottom line up front here is: Don’t you just hate B.S.? I can smell it coming from the right and the left and it stinks! It is so degrading. Just because some blow-hard on the radio or clown on T.V. says something doesn’t mean it’s true. Other people seem to enjoy eating B.S. but I refuse. How do I know that it is B.S.? It isn’t always easy but the older I get the better my olfactory B.S. sensors seem to get. And lately about everything stinks. HA!

I get information from the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox News, Air America radio, KNPR News, local news papers and more. I regularly get pod-casts and news letters from the brilliant economist Peter Schiff who has correctly predicted all of the stock market meltdowns. Check out Schiff’s predictions of Obama’s stimulus plan before Obama even took office, see it here (it is very good). I would love to see Peter Schiff crush Paul Krugman a live debate.

FYI: I live in liberal Washington state were Obama will likely get all 12 of the electoral votes. So my vote for Romney will be nullified. Therefore I think that I’ll cast my vote for Obama again not because I changed my mind and think that Obama is the best man, or that I think that he deserves another chance. I’ll vote for Obama to make ME feel good. Because in the unlikely event that Obama loses, things will likely get very ugly and I will be able to proclaim to no one in particular, “Hey it wasn’t my fault, I voted for the big O!”

Also: I’m going on vacation with my wife and will be gone for the next 2 weeks. Thanks for all the thoughtful dialog. I love you guys! Stay cool everyone and remember that everything is going to be OK. Please never forget that.

jerv's avatar

@gondwanalon I generally go where the evidence leads me; I don’t trust either side. And it used to be that both sides were equally dishonest, but that is far from how things are now.

As for facts that highlight Obama’s lack of credibility, I think anybody who compares the world as it is now to the world he said he would make if elected provides all the facts one needs to impeach Obama’s credibility. However, he is a politician, and his record of non-facts and broken promises is about average for an elected official.,,, and far better than the hardline Republicans over the last few years.

BTW, WA isn’t that Liberal overall. Most of the state (by area) is rather Conservative, as is common in rural areas. Thing is, about half (48.9%, according to the numbers I’ve seen) of WA residents (myself included) live in the Seattle metroplex, which is only ~8% of the area. Between King and Snohomish counties, pretty much the entire rest of the state could go Romney and Obama would still take WA. That just shows how important urban areas are in an election.

ETpro's avatar

@gondwanalon Like @jerv, I go where the evidence leads. I do not reject evidence that disagrees with my bias, I change my bias. There is such a thing as a true ideologue, and there is such a thing as the opposite of an ideologue. That you think there isn’t is provides strong evidence to which you are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys…what promises has Obama broken? What things do you think he should have done differently?

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III, I’m just passing through this thread quickly. But here are a few of Obama’s broken promises.

jerv's avatar

@bkcunningham It is worth noting that the Republicans have done everything in their power in order to prevent some of those things from ever having a chance to happen. That includes holding hostages, telling provable lies, and other dirty tricks.

glacial's avatar

@bkcunningham Looks like he kept as many, quoting the same source. And that’s with the kind of opposition that @jerv mentioned.

bkcunningham's avatar

Yes, of course. I forgot that it is the republicans’ fault (and Bush. We can’t forget to blame Bush). ~ No wait. He was able to make some progress and keep promises despite the republicans? How’d that happen?

jerv's avatar

@bkcunningham By capitulating to demands on other issues.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just picking out a couple because I don’t know anything about the other:

“Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers.”

“Repeal the Bush tax cuts for higher incomes.”

“Forbid companies in bankruptcy from giving executives bonuses”

I know he has been fighting to implement at least those three things, but he has been blocked. That is NOT the same as a “broken promise.”

ETpro's avatar

@Dutchess_III Republicans fought viciously to make all those “broken promises”. They roadblocked every one.

Bill Clinton put it perfectly in tonight’s convention. He noted that the Republican message in Tampa was, “We left him a total mess, he hasn’t finished cleaning it up yet, so fire him and put us back in,”

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ETpro Exactly. I can NOT believe they way they’ve been acting since Obama was elected. Yelling out in the senate, refusing to come to a deal on the budget, which caused us to lose some credit rating. I just can’t believe their behavior.

jerv's avatar

@Dutchess_III Well, the Republicans had leverage, and it would be foolish not to use it to further their goals; to do otherwise would be a sign of weakness.

Never mind the cost to the country…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hardly see acting like a spoiled, ill mannered five year old furthered their goals! I know what you’re saying, @jerv

jerv's avatar

@Dutchess_III They managed to extort their way to concessions on other issues. Who cares about reputation, honor, legality, or anything like that?

gondwanalon's avatar

@ETpro FYI: I think that there is an infinite variability form a poor sad sole with no political ideology to that of a bull headed political ideologue. I wonder how you came to such a totally false conclusion about where I stand on that scale and that you offer that as strong evidence about me. That urges me to wonder about all of the other “evidence” that you follow.

Anyway. I did watch Obama’s acceptance speech at the DNC. It was like deja vu for me. Obama seemed so robotic. He very much reminded me of my 2008 Obama talking doll

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