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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some things about your political party that makes you proud?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 28th, 2012

I am a Democrat. There is someone who calls himself Being Liberal. on Facebook. He’s been interesting to follow, until he posted a satirical piece about Ann Romney. Only problem was, he didn’t mention it was satire when he posted it. As stupid as it is, several stupid people took it seriously (Why do stupid people use so many cuss words in their posts???). But many, many more protested it, saying those were the kind of low blows that the Republicans take, and it was disappointing.

Some of the comments were:

“This so outrageous (the re-posting from such ‘satire’) that I will have to sever my link with Being Liberal. Too bad, because I have enjoyed some of the places the site has directed me to.”

” Leave the bull shit slinging to the teapublicans you just lost a boat load of credibility”

“These posts should better identified as satire.”

“I’m disappointed that someone at Being Liberal would post something like this. It is too much like what those on the right do. Ann Romney may think something like this but would never say it out loud in an interview. This should never have been posted much less in quotes.”

” Totally agree with all above. I’m a proud liberal who is embarrassed by this crap. You make us all look stupid by posting this shit. Please be more responsible in the future. This is as vile as any Fox News Propaganda. Whose side are you really on, because this hurts our credibility.”

I’m proud of the people who protested the post. I have NEVER seen a conservative protest BS posts like this by their party. I quit following Being Liberal.

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9 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I’m proud of that, too, now that you’ve brought it to my attention. Mostly, though, what I’m proud of the Democratic party for is being proactive about human rights and for caring about what happens to the least of us.

wonderingwhy's avatar

Not being party affiliated (though I fall directly into democrat/green camps with many issues) this is sort of broad but I’m well pleased when any party chooses to support their views/claims with reason rather than simply appealing to the lowest common denominator, particularly when attacked. Something about asking people to think and judge a position by merit and logic, rather than just inciting frothing reaction and playing on sympathy is nice to see. Needless to say I’m frequently disappointed.

filmfann's avatar

This article is actually quite convincing. Even after you said it was satire, I found it totally believable. That is the problem with Romney: this shit is easy to believe.

I am proud of my party because it is inclusive, not exclusive.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m proud of my party’s stances on helping the less fortunate, and on building a more cohesive society.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@filmfann It is! Like the one comment made, Anne may actually feel that way, and she probably does, but she wouldn’t be stupid enough to mention it to the media!

Who is your party @wundayatta?

jerv's avatar

I have nothing to be proud of there; no party.

However, the Republicans are taking more extreme positions and doing so more often that I am slowly being forced over to the Democrats if for no reason other than total, diametric opposition to ignorant theological hyper-Capitalism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shew @jerv It’s working. All those Democratic plants, from Romney on down, are working! :)

Paradox25's avatar

You brought up some good points. I was on sodahead for over a year, and some of the most disgusting cowardly attacks were usually done by those who identified themselves as ‘conservatives’, and I’d never seen a con go against their bunch, even when it would had been justifiable to so in those circumstances.

Many people who identify themselves as ‘conservative’ have authoritarian mindsets. Authoritarians on both the left and right tend to have an us vs them attitude, because scientific research has shown that authoritarians tend to place being accepted by their peers in much higher regards than those with more liberal mindsets.

I can’t answer the other part of your question since I currently have no political party, I’m a slightly ‘left’ leaning independent. It is the individual candidates that I concentrate on, not partisanship and political affiliation. In all fairness though I did stick up for liberals many times on sodahead, and the insults which I’d received were pretty nasty (putting it mildly).

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