Social Question

Non-native English speakers, what is your opinion on the difficulty of learning English?
I have often heard that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. I have also often heard that it is one of the easiest languages to learn. However, I have rejected both of these opinions since they were often said by people who are native English speakers. Native speakers have incentive to say that it is difficult because they want to claim that they are doing something difficult. The other group could claim that English is super-easy because it feels easy to a native speaker.
This is why I am directly asking people who learnt English as a second language, preferably not in early childhood. They would have the actual experience needed to make a judgement.
If you are a non-native speaker of English, what parts of English do you find difficult? What parts do you find easy? If you have learnt more languages, how does English compare?
Please make sure to list your native language as well as any other languages that you may know. The difficulty of learning a language depends on the other languages that you know.