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rojo's avatar

NSFW: Where in the world did the term "hoo hoo" come from?

Asked by rojo (24182points) August 31st, 2012

Just wondering why this word is used to refer to the female genitalia? Surely not onomonopia?
And, is it truly only used by women for this purpose?

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29 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

I’ve not run into this meaning for the words. I guess it fits in with boo boo, doodoo, looloo,, kookoo, muumuu, googoo, woo woo, lulu, and poopoo. There are stlll a lot of similar combos left if you want to name something. Then you can also look at peepee for even more choices. A lot of them seem like what mothers call things when talking with small children.

zenvelo's avatar

“Vagina” is a small alternative meaning for hoo hoo. There are a lot of other uses for the term. It sounds like something that came from Oprah Winfrey or a similar type show to use by women that are uncomfortable saying vagina. Remember in the late 90’s when Oprah came up with va- jay-jay? It’s like women think they are getting away with saying a naughty word.

rojo's avatar

It appear that there is a product out there for consumers called “Healthy Hoo Hoo”. Scary.

Jeruba's avatar

I never heard it before.

bookish1's avatar

I’ve never heard it before, but it sounds horrible. I prefer snatch or cunt, if the thing must be referred to. That sounds nice and dirty and not childish…

Bellatrix's avatar

I think I heard the term ‘hoo hoo’ on Oprah’s show one day. No idea of the origins.

Shippy's avatar

Not sure, but it’s so not sexy!!

Pazza's avatar

My wife confuses our two youngest girls by saying they have 2 bums, a back bum and a front bum. This came about because our youngest 3 year old daughter wanted to know why her willie wasn’t the same as her older 7 year old brothers willie….....

So my wife said, you haven’t got a willie, you’ve got 2 bums?.........

Personally, I just avoid those types of questions entirely.

Now our 3 year old daughter runs around singing ‘willie’willie’bum’bum-‘willie’willie’bum’bum’

ccrow's avatar

@Pazza some of my grandkids mortified their mother by singing a song in the grocery store-. The words, well, word for the whole song- ‘diarrhea’.

Pazza's avatar

@ccrow haha….
As long as they don’t start singin ‘up your butt with a coconut’
I had to nip that one in the bud pretty sharpish! lol.
Up your but with a coconut!
That tune is so damned catchy….... and the content so wrong!
Suffice to say, that I monitor my children’s internet access very closely now.

mowens's avatar

I have heard the penis called a hoo-ha. So if I have this right, the hoo-ha goes into the hoo-hoo.

janbb's avatar

@bookish1 “If the thing must be referred to”? Well yes, it often must but my preference would be “vagina”!

Cruiser's avatar

From a live performance by Chuck Berry

gasman's avatar

I had never heard the term until I moved to the South. I worked in a maternity unit of a hospital in Georgia, where I heard the expression used commonly by patients and by nurses talking to patients. As a euphemism it seems fairly childish, as one might expect from the poorly educated and culturally isolated.

bewailknot's avatar

I think the only place I heard it was that You Might Be a Redneck guy, Jeff Foxworthy.

rojo's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this, or “it” if you prefer, and I have come to the following conclusion: If you are going to refer to a vagina in terms along these lines then it should actually be called a WOO-HOO!!!. All in caps with a varying number of exclamation points dependent upon the circumstances.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

As much as I would like to help solve this mystery, the best that I can offer up is The International Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo that was formed in 1892 in the US. The organization has to do with the forest industry and nothing with women’s private bits.

Keeping that in mind, it wouldn’t surprise me that this group didn’t use hoo-hoo as code, or that outsiders came to that assumption. Their titles came from Lewis Carroll’s The Hunt of The Snark poem. It’s quite possible that the name took on a new meaning that people were not aware of but used as a substitute for vagina. I worked with a group of male teens that called themselves “The Muff Patrol”. Only later did I find out what ‘muff’ represented.

gailcalled's avatar

The British Satirists Michael Flanders and Donald Swann wrote a funny song called “Pee Po Belly Bum Drawers”: Hear it here

First Verse:

Ma’s out, Pa’s out, Let’s talk rude!
Pee Po Belly Bum Drawers.
Dance round the garden in the nude,
Pee Po Belly Bum Drawers.
Let’s write rude words all down our street,
Stick out our tongues at the people we meet,
Let’s have an intellectual treat for
Pee Po Belly Bum Drawers.

For more Click here

Also known as ”“P** P* B**** B** D******”

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve heard it called a hoo ha, but not a hoo hoo, and I have certainly never heard a penis referred to as a hoo ha. Willie or wee wee or a winkie or any number of other things, but I’ve only heard a vagina referred to as a hooha. The Urban Dictionary says it is East Coast slang, but doesn’t really offer much in the way of origins. They also mention hoo-hoo as slang for vagina.

With slang, it’s hard to get origins, I think. Plus it’s hard to nail down the meaning, since the usage is so varied. Maybe over time, things will harden a bit, and usage will be more specific and stable.

Perhaps the word comes from the sounds some women make when their hoo-has are being pounded in a delightful way?

stardust's avatar

I’ve never heard of the vagina being referred to as a “hoo hoo” and frankly, I never want to.

ucme's avatar

Who the fuck calls it that?
A pussy is a pussy by any definition, hoo-hoo just sounds bloody stupid.

Pazza's avatar

I hear you. In the adult world ye.
But theres no way I’m telling my 3 5 & 15 year old daughters to make sure they wipe their pussies after they’ve been for a number 1….... ;0)

(At the shops with the kids… suddenly the 5 year old needs a wee…... On returning daddy says):

“Jasmin did you remember to wipe your pussy?”

(And the croud of people waiting in line for the toilets turns in unisan like a scene from the slaughtered lamb!....)


ucme's avatar

@Pazza I simply refer to my daughter’s as her “tuppence”, i’ve no fucking clue why, but it sure beats pussy, much like a vibrator!

Pazza's avatar

So if I’m understanding this correctly, you refere to a vibrator as a tuppence polisher?

ucme's avatar

@Pazza No, I refer to a vibrator as a fanny missile.

Pazza's avatar


I just had a vission of you at tea time trying to feed your daughter and saying,
“here comes the big aeroplane neeeeeooowwwwmmmmm…..”

And then in bed with the wife…....
“here comes the big fanny missile neeeeeooowwwwmmmmm…..”

ucme's avatar

@Pazza My daughter just turned 13, so feeding her would be ever so wrong in oh so many ways!
In bed with the wife I just use my massive cock, no need for “plastic explosives.”

Pazza's avatar

My vision just turned into some sort of surreal ‘little Britain’ sketch.

ucme's avatar

No, but, yeah, but, no, but…......

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