Social Question

filmfann's avatar

If the Republicans are successful at destroying all the Unions, will they also cancel the Labor Day Holiday?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) September 1st, 2012

As asked.

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23 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No, they’ll rename it to something else, something that celebrates and reminds you of your obligation to work hard for low wages and no benefits.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@zenvelo Indentured Servant Day! We all get to shine shoes for rich guys and pay them for the experience. Then we wash their cars for free.

wundayatta's avatar

Big if. If they did that, then there would have been a huge change in the world. I suspect they would have gotten rid of all secular holidays including MLK day. They might institute a new religious holiday. Also, they would institute mandatory religion—Christianity, of course. They probably would make Islam illegal. So, yeah. That’s what would happen if the Republicans ever had the power to get rid of unions.

bkcunningham's avatar

What did Jesus tell the union member before he was resurrected and ascended into heaven?

“Don’t do anything until I get back.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes and there will be no more WESTERN UNION.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

@zenvelo “Right to Work Day”?

wonderingwhy's avatar

Canceling it would cost votes, so no. Though redefining it as “REGAL Day” (Republican’s Egregiously Gut Allied Labor Day) doesn’t seem too far fetched.

AstroChuck's avatar

Not at all. Since these people oppose birth control and abortion of all kinds, Labor Day would take on an entirely new meaning altogether.

Kayak8's avatar

It depends. If my 7 year old nephew has to go to work in a factory when the creeps take over and gut the unions, I will have a few choice words to describe Labor Day and a few other “holidays.”

woodcutter's avatar

Labor day is a money maker that mainly their ilk benefits from. They wouldn’t change anything. Is this more sky is falling “if our guy loses the end will come” paranoia?
Its ok if it is because I’ve seen it from both sides.

Cruiser's avatar

Hmmm…not sure how to answer this as being from Chicago one of the strongest Union towns in the country and currently Mr. Rohm Democrat Emanuele Mayor is telling the Chicago Teachers Unions to shove their demands. Not sure who the real enemy of the unions are….the Lefty’s, the Righty’s or the Unions themselves???

creative1's avatar

I feel unions are a thing of the past, there are laws in place now to keep children out of the workplace and laws as to what minimum wage is. I think we will still have Labor’s Day since we all work regardless if your in a union or not. If unions were abolished then maybe only teachers that want to be in teaching would be there. They would then be paid based on performance rather than what is deemed necessary by the union contract like the rest of us that work.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes. For one thing, it is a paid holiday (for many employers) and they get no productivity. So they will outlaw labor Day so they don’t need to pay for non-work days.

woodcutter's avatar

(For many employers) that Monday is your own time and you don’t get squat except a paycheck that is 8 hours short.

bkcunningham's avatar

@woodcutter, do you mean, “For many employees…”?

SaveTheRhinos's avatar

You have no idea about republicans or national holidays….

woodcutter's avatar

@bkcunningham I should have put “from the view point“of many employers, but your idea works as well.

Paradox25's avatar

I highly doubt that most Republicans would want to go that far. To be honest though I’ve not had a Labor Day Monday off in more than ten years (when actually working) anyways.

jca's avatar

I work for the government and Labor Day is one of our 12 annual holidays.

rojo's avatar

My question is, why do we not have a “job creators” day? Or will we have to wait for a Republican Presidency to get that?

AstroChuck's avatar

@rojo- I suppose when some of these “job creators” sacrifice their lives to improve working standards for those who follow then we can have a Job Creator Day.

filmfann's avatar

@AstroChuck Well, they sacrificed getting a bigger yacht. Doesn’t that count for anything?

zenvelo's avatar

Guess the weren’t too successful in Wisconsin after all….

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